How EZ.Insure Can Protect Your Business From A Lawsuit

Accidents happen. If an employee gets hurt at work, not only can you lose a lot of money in a lawsuit, but you can lose your business as well. The best way to protect yourself is with a Workers’ Compensation Insurance Plan. This will protect your business in the event of an employee’s injury or death at the workplace. EZ.Insure knows how important your business is, and we want to protect your business from a lawsuit that could happen at any point in time.

What Is Workers’ Compensation?

Person being taken out on ambulance
If an employee gets hurt on the job, it can end up costing you your business if you are not insured.

Often referred to as “workers comp,” every state has made it mandatory to provide this type of insurance program to employers. The insurance serves both the employee as well as employer; it assures injured employees that they will receive the compensation and medical care needed until they are able to go back to work.

This also protects employers from a lawsuit when an employee is injured on the job. Every state has its own regulations for the program, and while some have a federal insurance plan, some businesses choose private insurers.

The Different Types Of Benefits

In most cases an employee will receive benefits whether the disability is permanent or temporary. Some states will allow the employee to be compensated for the time out of work, while others specify a maximum number of weeks for temporary disabilities.

An injured employee will receive:

  • Medical Care
  • Replaced Income
  • Retraining Costs, if necessary

Also, if killed on the job, then eligible dependents will receive workers’ compensation for generally 500 weeks at the wage of the deceased employee.

Benefits For Your Business

weighing between person in a suit and person falling
Workers’ compensation insurance protects your business from a lawsuit when someone gets hurt on the job.

When you purchase Workers’ Compensation Insurance, you are purchasing protection for your business. Your business will receive many benefits that will keep it from going out of business. The different benetis are:

  • Protection from lawsuit or large financial loss
  • Coverage for legal costs
  • Coverage for certain types of illnesses and injuries
  • Coverage for funeral expenses and dependent support
  • Coverage for a percentage of reimbursed wages to employee

When you purchase worker’s compensation, it’s good to be aware of your state’s specific requirements and laws. Make sure you’re up to date with the current insurance policies so that if something were to happen, you know exactly what to talk to your employees about.

EZ.Insure understands that businesses need to be informed to make the best choices for their future. We provide you with a highly trained agent with your region that will answer any questions you have, compare different plans for you, and even sign you up when you’re ready, free of charge. You will never have to worry about being hounded by endless calls when you use EZ.Insure. We promise to offer straight to the point, no-hassle, accurate quotes in order to help you protect your business. To get started simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or you can speak to an agent by emailing or calling 888-350-1890. We look out for your business as if it was our own.

The Beginners Guide To Worker’s Compensation

Do you know everything you need to know about Worker’s Compensation? It’s not a subject many people discuss at the dinner table, but it’s incredibly important to have when running a business in case someone is injured. A small thing like a loose nail or an unstable walkway could spell trouble. 

smiling worker in an office with a be happy sign
It’s easy to be happy when you know you’re covered!

Before an accident happens, it’s imperative for a business owner to understand the terms of Worker’s Compensation coverage, how to qualify as an employee, what it covers, and what it will cost you.

What Is “Worker’s Comp?”

This agreement states that as long as an employee receives wage replacement and medical benefits, the employee will not sue the company for negligence. Meaning, if you’re injured on site due to something workplace related, you’ll be covered for the amount of work you miss plus hospital bills. But, you cannot sue the company specifically for failing to take proper care. This protects employers and employees.

It’s state-mandated, and the particulars change based on your location. EZ.Insure’s agents are familiar with this information, local or not, so by calling us, you’re saving some time.

Good news is, safety regulations are solid nowadays. 

employees with talk bubbles asking about insurance
Your employee may have questions for you during this time. EZ.Insure will give you the knowledge to answer securely.

How Can Your Employee Qualify?

For an injured employee, there are only four checkboxes to qualify:

  1. You must be employed by the company.
  2. Your illness/ injury must be work-related.
  3. Your case must fall in state guidelines.
  4. The employer must have Worker’s Compensation insurance.

What Is / Is Not Covered by Worker’s Compensation? 

Workers Compensation insurance covers most workplace injuries, but you may be refused assistance if your injuries are self-inflicted, occurred during a crime, or if your actions during your sustained injury violated company policy. For example, if your employee happened to sustain an injury while robbing you, rest assured their injury most likely won’t be covered.

The injured employee doesn’t need to be injured “on-site” to be covered. Worker’s compensation can also come into place when your injury is sustained, and it’s job-related. This could be if your company plans a trip overseas for a meeting, and your employee happens to break a limb during the outing. 

When it comes to your medical expenses, you’ll find support with diagnosis and treatment. Depending on your state, it can also provide disability payments, rehabilitation, or retraining. 

This should provide ample cushion for your employees to recover and return to work.

What Are the Costs?

The average cost of a worker’s compensation claim is $38,000 (from 2005). This is a combined total of both the medical side and loss in productivity. That’s a down payment for a house or a mid-size car. 

For a company, the average cost per $100 in employee wage ranges from $0.75 to $2.74. It doesn’t seem that bad, but this does depend on the state. If you’re looking into getting this for your company, contact your local office to get specific information. 

Do Worker’s Compensation Costs Change Per Business Type?

cranes with people working on construction
Depending on what your company does is how much you’ll be quoted for worker’s compensation.

Depending on your company, the money outflow is going to fluctuate. For example, in the office building, your cost per $100 goes down to about $0.12. It doesn’t sound that bad, but it’s because injuries happen less often in this environment.

If you’re a painter or a landscaper, this average jumps up to $7-9/$100. You’ll have to take a look into the work you’re doing, and how it may affect an employee. Your business needs a strong hand with inside knowledge to provide you with the best quality insurance.

EZ.Insure has the experience to help you excel. Your agent will answer any questions you have, compare different plans for you, and even sign you up when you’re ready, free of charge and without having to worry about being hounded by endless calls. To get started simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or you can speak to an agent by emailing, or calling 888-350-1890. EZ.Insure makes the entire process easy, and quick.