Teen Suicide Rates At An All Time High! How Can We Help?

Suicide has been a hot topic due to the continual rise every year. The suicide rate rose in all the states between 1999 and 2016, except for Nevada, and continues to climb every year since. Suicide has no boundaries, showing an increase in all demographicsbut the sharpest rise is among teenage boys. The grim reality is that for people between

Chart showing a steady rise of an arrow.
Suicide rate has been rising over the years, and is the second leading cause of death for people ages 10-34.

the ages of 10-34, suicide is the second-leading cause of death.

A large percentage of people, especially teens who are dealing with a range of emotions, including depression and

stress, are just not getting the help that they need. In order to help people who are dealing with issues, it is important that we listen, and help teach people, especially young adults, with how to manage stress and stressors. 

What To Look For

Statistics show the number of teens experiencing depression has climbed by over 40% over the past couple of years. Of those numbers, nearly half of them were in the hospital for suicide attempts or thoughts. It is important for parents to identify if their kid is experiencing depression because if it is left unnoticed, it can be harmful, and even deadly. Recognizing irregular behavior, or something “not right” with a person can play a major role in getting them help before it ends fatally. Symptoms can include:

  • Irritability
  • Social withdrawal
  • Anger or agitation
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • No motivation
  • Guilt or worthlessness
  • Poor school performance
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Poems or writing about suicide

What You Can Do

Silhoutte og a person with their head in their hand and sad thoughts all around them.
Look for irregular behavior in your children, and learn the different ways you can help.

If your kids are acting differently, take the time to talk to them and find out what is bothering them. There are different approaches to take to provide support and help.

  • Pay attention- Ask questions and notice the signs of depression.
  • Listen- Take the time to listen to the teen’s problems, talking about their feelings. Do not lecture them, just listen, and offer help.
  • Exercise- Exercising promotes mental health. It releases hormones that make you feel good. Suggest going out together and get active.
  • One on One Time- Talking with your child helps to reconnect with them. Make them a priority.

In order to avoid feelings of depression, a lot of teens may experiment with drugs or alcohol, which can further aggravate the problem. Ask your kids how they are feeling, if those feelings are negative, or suicidal. The number of suicides in the U.S. is at a steady climb. As mentioned before, because it needs to be reiterated again, suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death in people aged 10-34. Listen to your kids, friends, and family. Pay attention, teach them ways to properly cope with what is going on in their lives, and help get the proper treatment before it is too late.

Seek help by contacting the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255, or to use the Crisis Text Line by texting “Home” to 741741 for immediate assistance.

Depression in Teens Is On The Rise

Trying to fit in and find yourself during your teenage years is tough. There are constant changes in friends, clothing style, likes, and dislikes. On top of the changes teens experience, they have to keep up with school work, and after school activities. There is a lot of pressure for them with unrealistic academic, social and family expectations, which brings on emotional highs and lows. One of the lows they can experience is depression. Depression has been on the rise for teens as years go by, and they feel like they go through these tough years by themselves. We all remember what it was like being a teenager, feeling alone and like our parents do not understand us. Take the time to talk to your kids, notice the signs, and get help when needed.

Teens entering the hospital for depression and suicide has been on the rise.
Teens entering the hospital for depression and suicide has been on the rise. It is important to notice the signs before it is too late.


One in five teens will experience depression. Statistics show the number of teens experiencing depression has climbed by over 40% over the past couple of years. Of those numbers, nearly half of them were in the hospital for suicide attempts or thoughts. It is important for parents to identify if their kid is experiencing depression, because if it is left unnoticed, it can be harmful, and even deadly. Symptoms can include:

  • Irritability
  • Social withdrawal
  • Anger or agitation
  • Changes in appetite
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • No motivation
  • Guilt or worthlessness
  • Poor school performance
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Poems or writing about suicide

In order to avoid the feelings of depression, a lot of teens may experiment with drugs or alcohol. Some may even use sex as an escape of their feelings. These are temporary fixes, and can lead to self-destruction. These behaviors will lead to ruined relationships with friends, and family, which will worsen their depression. The more serious the depression gets, the worse the outcome, including suicide. Some teenagers may feel like the only way to escape these feelings is by ending their lives. Some may seek help to avoid these feelings, while some kids keep a happy appearance but struggle internally.

How To Help

If your kids are acting different, take the time to talk to them and find out what is bothering them. There are different approaches to take to provide support and help.

  • Pay attention- Ask questions and notice the signs of depression.
  • Listen- Take the time to listen to the teen’s problems, talking about their feelings. Do not lecture them, just listen, and offer help.
  • Exercise- Exercising promotes mental health. It releases hormones that make you feel good. Suggest going out together and get active.
  • One on One Time- Talking with your child helps to reconnect with them. Make them a priority.
Group therapy is one way to treat teen depression. It offers a sense of understanding and belonging.
Group therapy is one way to treat teen depression. It offers a sense of understanding and belonging.


If things do not improve, there are ways to treat depression:

  • Group therapy- Talking about what is going on internally with other people who feel the same builds a sense of belonging. They understand the struggle and create support for each other to help get through it.
  • Psychotherapy- Talking with a therapist or counselor will help with limited cases of depression.
  • Medication- Doctors may prescribe antidepressants, which are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. It is very important to make sure this is necessary by a psychiatrist, because of the risk these medications come with. The FDA issued a warning of kids and teens taking these because of increased risks of suicidal thoughts.

Anxiety accompanies depression, and with kids on their phones more than ever, anxiety has increased in teens. Some of these anxious feelings will increase a person’s feelings of despair and hopelessness. Depression is on the rise for teens with all the expectations they feel they must achieve. Between trying to excel in school, be accepted socially, and make their parents proud, it can become overwhelming. Not to mention the issues they may be going through in all of these areas. Talk to your kids, and notice the signs because a lot more kids are experiencing depression more than ever. Reach out, you may be saving a life.

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