5 Essential Reasons Why Your Business Needs Insurance

Imagine putting in years of hard work, money, and passion to establish your business, only to have it all come crashing down due to an unforeseen event. It could be as minor as a lawsuit from a dissatisfied customer or as severe as a fire that destroys your office. These unexpected incidents can not only disrupt your operations, but also jeopardize your company’s future and existence. That’s where business insurance comes in. Business insurance provides a layer of security, so your organization can keep thriving for years to come.


Take natural disasters for instance. According to a study by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), “Almost half (43 percent) of small businesses affected by disaster never reopen after the disaster…” This alarming statistic highlights the need of having business insurance in place. To help drive home the point, let’s explore 5 essential reasons why your business needs insurance to secure its existence and future.

#1 To Protect Against Liability Claims

The first reason why your business needs insurance comes down being sued. A single lawsuit, whether it’s a malfunctioning product, a slip-and-fall accident, or anything else, can result in thousands or even millions of dollars in expenses. Potential costs include things like medical expenses, legal expenses and settlement payouts. Without the proper policy in place, your company will have to pay out of pocket and oftentimes leads to bankruptcy. 


To emphasize the importance of insurance, let’s explore a real-life hypothetical example. Say a small restaurant is sued because a customer spills hot coffee on themselves, and there is no warning label. This lawsuit could easily amount to over $100,000 in legal and medical fees. With no liability insurance in place, the owner could have to shut down, or go into debt in order to handle the situation. So what’s the solution? 


Solution: General liability insurance protects your company from lawsuits like these by paying for legal fees, medical expenses, and even settlements, so your company does not bear the financial burden of a legal fight. This form of insurance provides peace of mind by ensuring that a single lawsuit will not destroy everything you’ve fought for.

#2 To Safeguard Your Business Assets

The second reason why your business needs insurance is to protect its physical assets. Whether it’s the office space you work out of, equipment you use, or your product inventory, it’s all valuable assets that your operation relies on. Some common disasters having the potential to destroy business assets include: 


  • Natural disasters (wind, rain, snow, hail etc.)
  • Burglary/Robbery
  • Vandalism 
  • Fire

Without insurance, the expenses of restoring or replacing these assets affected by one of these factors may be overwhelming or impossible. Take this story covered by Business Insurance USA. A local florist’s shop suffered major structural damage after a severe hailstorm. Much of the inventory was destroyed, and windows were shattered. 


Solution: Luckily in this case, the business owner had a commercial property insurance policy which covered the costs of repairs and replacement items. Commercial property insurance safeguards the physical assets of a business, when one of the above mentioned disasters takes place. Having this protection in places helps businesses recuperate quickly to avoid long-term financial losses.

infographic explaining the 5 reasons why businesses need insurance along with images.


#3 To Ensure Business Continuity

Theft, accidents and natural disasters are all physically damaging, but they can also cause your business to shut down for an extended period of time. This leads us to the third reason, why your business needs insurance—so your company can stay afloat during an unexpected interruption. Think about it…if you can’t run your business, how will you pay for regular expenses like employee salaries and rent? 


Solution: Business interruption insurance is crucial for businesses to protect themselves against income loss due to unforeseen events. When a disaster strikes, having a bus

iness interruption policy can be the difference-maker between needing to close down indefinitely or being able to open up a couple months later. It generally covers expenses such as: 


  • Lost revenue.
  • Ongoing expenses.
  • Costs associated with moving to a temporary location.


#4 To Build Trust and Credibility

In any industry, it’s important to have a credible and trustworthy reputation. Clients, consumers, and partners want to know that they are working with a reputable business. Otherwise, they’ll likely do their own research and work with one of your competitors instead. A great way to bolster your organization’s image is by having adequate insurance coverage. Safeguarding your business demonstrates that you’re prepared for the unexpected, letting colleagues know that you value their well-being and time. 


In some industries, being properly insured has a huge impact on business dealings. For example, many individuals or businesses will not hire a contractor unless they first show proof of particular insurance coverage such as a professional liability policy. Having protection like this shows others that both parties will be protected in the case of an error or mistake. In the case of an accident or costly mistake without coverage, your business’s reputation could plummet, not to mention the expensive costs you’ll be forced to pay out of pocket. So what can you do? 


Solution: Understand the risks involved in your line of work and industry, and in turn, get insured with the proper coverage. Doing so not only protects your company, but also protects clients and customers. Additionally, people will view your business as stable and trustworthy which makes it easier to form new relationships and foster long-term growth. 

#5 To Ensure Compliance with Legal Requirements

In many industries, obtaining certain forms of insurance is not only a good economic move, but also required by law. Depending on your area and sector, certain coverage

 types such as workers’ compensation or commercial auto insurance, are legally required. Failure to comply with these laws may result in significant fines, legal action, or possibly the closure of your business. Also, if you regularly perform contracted work, it’s vital to pay attention to contractual requirements in addition to state and federal mandates. For the failure to provide workers’ compensation insurance common penalties in many states include fines upwards of $50,000 and the suspension of business operations. So how do you avoid this happening to you? 


Solution: Understand which forms of insurance are legally required for your business to be compliant. Workers’ compensation is required by law for all businesses in all states other than Texas. Additionally, coverages such as commercial auto insurance and professional liability are mandatory in many industries. With that being said, requirements are always on a case by case and state by state basis, so if you’re unsure about your business being compliant, we recommend performing your own research. 

Final Thoughts on Business Insurance 

While it’s tough to plan for the unexpected, it’s important to understand the most common business risks and the corresponding solutions to protect against them. To help you get started on this venture we’ve explore 5 essential reasons why your business needs insurance which includes: 


  1. Protecting against liability claims that could result in financial devastation.
  2. Covering your business assets, such as your property, inventory and equipment.
  3. Ensuring that your company stays afloat after an unanticipated disruption.
  4. Increasing your organization’s credibility and customer confidence.
  5. Avoiding hefty legal penalties by complying with legal and contractual obligations.

Don’t let your business go unprotected for any longer. Instead, visit EZ.Insure. Our quick and easy process gives you access to a free business insurance quote, comparison tools, and a team of insurance experts to help you find a policy customized to fit your needs. Plus, EZ.Insure also has an in-depth resource library filled with dozens of informational blogs to help you become more informed about protecting your company from risks. To get started, simply enter your ZIP code at the top of the screen or call us at 855-694-0047.


Question: Which types of insurance are required for my business?

Answer: The type(s) of insurance you need is determined by your industry, geography, and individual hazards. However, important coverages usually include general liability insurance, commercial property insurance, workers’ compensation, and professional liability insurance. A business insurance professional can assist you in designing a policy that meets your specific requirements.


Question: How much can I expect to pay for business insurance? 

Answer: The cost of business insurance varies depending on the size of your company, the industry you’re in, and the coverage levels you select. For example, small businesses often spend anywhere between $500 to $3,000 per year for general liability insurance, but it’s important to speak with an insurance professional to get a more specific estimation.


Question: Can I tailor my insurance policy to meet the specific needs of my business?

Answer: Yes! Most insurers provide customisable packages, allowing you to select the specific coverages that are appropriate for your business. This flexibility guarantees that you obtain the protection you require without having to pay for coverage you don’t. 


How Commercial Insurance is Changed by Risk Management

With all the recent catastrophes (and just plain old inflation), we’ve been watching insurance costs rise across the board. Higher deductibles are something even low-risk individuals are seeing. Unfortunately, insurance companies have to manage their bottom line, and doing this means raising rates.

The biggest problem pushing these rising costs is hurricane season. With their catastrophic damages, coming, again and again, commercial property rates are rising across the board–even affecting locations technically in a safer zone. The risk management is in response to this problem.

chess pieces to teach business owners risk management
Like chess, insurance companies plan out how their coverage is sold.

What Is Risk Management?

According to the Oxford dictionary, risk management (for business) is defined as “the forecasting and evaluation of financial risks together with the identification of procedures to avoid or minimize their impact.”

Basically, businesses (and homeowners as well) know losses can happen in the future. It’s not a question of “if something will happen,” but “when something happens, what will I do?”  The practice of asking these questions and then developing proper procedures is known as loss control.

For most businesses, this practice comes even without insurance, but the underwriting process mostly involves it before signing a commercial policy, especially now.

How Is It Affecting Commercial Insurance?

The first part of these changes come with the vicious backswing of all these catastrophes. With hurricanes alone, the damages swing up into $200 billion. Pairing this with the horrors Malibu saw just earlier this year, and you have an industry drained of its resources.

With all the payouts, it makes sense that the insurance industry has to “refill its coffers” so to speak. However, this comes from all of the people insured. So, the immediate effect is higher deductibles for some, and in places like Malibu, outright declination of coverage because the properties are “too high of a risk.”

The second, more positive result is instating risk management experts in insurance firms. Certain companies can offer in-house advice to businesses when they purchase policies from them. All in all, who can turn down loss control when it comes bundled with your commercial insurance?

What Does This Mean for Me?

For the average business, this could mean higher rates, but that isn’t a new topic of discussion. For people in certain industries, such as manufacturing where there is a high risk, it can mean that you will pay more. However, you could have a risk management team applied to your policy.

construction foreman with clipboard for risk management
Some industries like construction are affected by this more than others.

With more focus on controlling risks (that can be controlled) comes safer management in businesses across the board.

Besides that, make smart investments to pay for the premiums down the road. This helps to provide a solid hand in risk management. Thankfully, insurance agents will have your back with this down the line.

With EZ.Insure, your agent will answer any questions you have, compare different plans for you, and even sign you up when you’re ready, free of charge and without having to worry about being hounded by endless calls. To get started simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or you can speak to an agent by emailing [email protected], or calling 855-694-0047. EZ.Insure makes the entire process easy, and quick.

Do You Qualify For The Small Business Health Care Tax Credit?

If you offer health insurance to your employees, it can be costly, but luckily there is a silver lining- the small business health care tax credit! One of the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, ACA, is the Small Employer Health Care Tax Credit which allows certain businesses to save money while offering health insurance to their employees. While it is a great financial saver for businesses, not all businesses can get the tax credit. There are some qualifications that a small business must meet in order to get the health care tax credit.

a list with 3 checkmarks and a pencil next to it insude a blue circle.
You must meet certain qualifications in order to receive a tax credit.


The Small Business Health Care Tax Credit

This credit allows small businesses to receive a tax credit for paying at least half of their employees health insurance premiums. In the beginning, the small business health care tax credit was not much, ranging only 35% of eligible health insurance premiums. But luckily, over the years it has changed. The tax credit now equates to up to 50% of employer-paid health insurance premiums. 

cartoon figure sitting on top of "50%" numbers
The tax credit now equates to up to 50% of employer-paid health insurance premiums. 

Small business owners cannot take the tax credit for insurance premiums paid on their own behalf. This includes partnerships, and sole proprietors. 


In order to qualify for the health care tax, a business must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have fewer than 25 full-time employees.
  2. Your average employee salary must be less than $54,000 as of the 2019 tax year. 
  3. You pay at least 50% of your full-time employees health insurance premiums, also known as a “qualifying arrangement.”

Flexible Credit

An advantage of having this kind of credit is that it is flexible. It can be carried toward the next year, or back to other tax years. So, if your business does not owe tax in a certain year, then claiming the tax credit will not do you any good. However, if you owe tax for a prior year, you can apply your credit to that. Or you can choose to keep the tax credit and save it for next year.

Claiming the Tax Credit

The health care tax credit can be calculated and claimed using the Form 8941. The form must be attached to the business’s tax return, and then after it is processed, the credit reduces any income tax the business owes.

Tax-exempt organizations should file Form 990-T. This tax credit is non-refundable, although it can be carried towards either the following or prior tax years. Also, tax-exempt organizations that have no taxable income can qualify for a refund of the credit, as long as it doesn’t exceed their Medicare tax liability and income tax withholding.

calculator and pen on top of a sheet with numbers on it.
If your business does not qualify for the tax credit, there is still hope on saving money with tax deductions.

Small Business Tax Deductions

If your business does not qualify for the tax credit, there is still hope on saving money. There is a deduction for employee premium payments. Some businesses may be able to get both the deductions and tax credit!

The small business health care tax can help a small business offer their employees health insurance without fearing the great costs. As long as you meet the qualifications to receive the tax credit, then you will be eligible. The fewer employees you have, for example, less than 10 full-time employees who are paid an average of $25.000 or less will get you a bigger credit. And if you do not qualify for the tax credit, at least you can get deductions!

If you are looking to provide health insurance to your employees and want to save money, EZ.Insure can help. We will find a plan that meets your needs financially. We will find the plan that gives you deductions and notify you on whether you qualify for both deductions and the tax credit. Our goal is to save you as much money, while providing you with the best plan. Call 888-350-1890, or email us at [email protected] to speak directly with one of our agents, or enter your zip code in the bar above to get free instant quotes. We will never sell your information to telemarketers as others do.

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