Biden Announces Widespread Covid Vaccine Mandate

The Delta variant, first detected in India last October, is the most dominant strain of the coronavirus in America today, accounting for most of the recent COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths among the unvaccinated. Because there are still around 80 million people in the country who are unvaccinated, President Biden has begun more aggressively confronting the anti-vaccine movement in order to get the virus under control. On Thursday, September 9, President Biden announced policies that will require most federal employees to get vaccinated, and urged other employers, especially those in healthcare settings, to mandate the vaccine or require weekly testing. The new mandates could apply to as many as 100 million Americans. 

The Reason For The New Mandatesline graph with the line going upward and a red virus in the background

According to Biden, roughly 80 million Americans are unvaccinated, which is about 25% of the population. “That 25% can cause a lot of damage, and they are,” Biden said. “The unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals, are overrunning the emergency rooms and intensive care units, leaving no room for someone with a heart attack, or [pancreatitis], or cancer.” 

He reiterated the effectiveness of the Covid vaccine, saying “I want to emphasize that the vaccines provide very strong protection from severe illness of Covid-19. The world’s leading scientists confirm that if you are fully vaccinated, your risk of severe illness from Covid-19 is very low.” He also pointed out that it is mainly the unvaccinated who are dying from the virus. 

But since some people are refusing to get the vaccine, and some elected officials are “keeping us from turning a corner,” Biden has come up with a new plan, including vaccine mandates to “reduce the number of unvaccinated Americans, decrease hospitalizations and deaths, allow children to go to school safely, and keep our economy strong by keeping businesses open.”

The New Employee Mandate

covid vaccine vial with a needle next to it and vaccine card
Federal employees will have 75 days to get vaccinated and provide proof, or face termination.

President Biden now hopes to convince those who are vaccine hesitant or resistant to get the vaccine by taking punitive action. “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” Biden said. So, the first part of his plan is to use an emergency provision in the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, which will allow him to withhold federal funding from hospitals and other healthcare organizations. He is also asserting his power over the federal workforce and even private companies who employ more than 100 people. 

Federal workers will now have 75 days to get vaccinated, or they will face termination, unless they have a legitimate reason for vaccine exemption. And if businesses do not comply with the mandates, the U.S. Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) plans to fine them around $14,000 per violation. “Each employer will decide exactly what they want to do, but what we’re saying through the Department of Labor rule-making process is a minimum of testing once a week or full vaccination,” a senior administration official said.

Other Measures To Tackle The Virus

The Biden Administration is also calling on all governors to require teachers and school staff to get vaccinated, saying it’s the best way to protect young children under 12, who cannot currently get the vaccine. They are also calling on all entertainment venues to require tests or proof of vaccination, and have also made clear that the Transportation Safety Administration will be increasing fines for people who fail to wear masks on airplanes, trains, and buses. 

More Testingcovid test tube with a swab next to it and green gloves.

Some critics have claimed that Biden has not done enough on testing, so the next part of his plan is to use the Defense Production Act to accelerate the production of free tests: the administration is planning to send 25 million free tests to U.S. health clinics, and expand at-home tests to be sold at Walmart, Amazon, and Kroger. 

Booster Shots

Booster shots are also in the cards for those who received the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines: a third shot is currently being offered to a limited number of people, but the White House plans to offer them to more of the population as soon as the week of September 20 in “tens of thousands of sites across the country, and for most Americans at nearby drug stores for free.”


Almost immediately after Biden’s announcement, the Republican National Committee said it would bring legal challenges against any mandates. When asked about the legal threats Biden said, “Have at it. I am so disappointed that particularly some Republican governors have been so cavalier with the health of these kids, so cavalier with the health of their communities.”

Biden Picks Chiquita Brooks-LaSure To Run CMS

President Joe Biden has nominated Chiquita Brooks-LaSure to be Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Ms. Brooks-LaSure took part in setting up the ACA’s commercial health insurance programs as well as its public health insurance exchange system under former President Obama. If her nomination is confirmed by the Senate, she will be the first African American woman to be CMS Administrator. 

As head of the CMS, Brooks-LaSure would help regulate almost $3 trillion in spending by Medicare plans, Medicaid plans, and individual and group major medical policies that fall under the ACA. Many are hopeful that, because of her background, she will move the health insurance industry in the right direction.

the outside of yale university
Ms. Brooks-LaSure got her Bachelor’s degree from Yale University.

Brooks-LaSure’s Background

Brooks-LaSure earned a master’s in public policy from Georgetown University and, before that, a bachelor’s degree from Yale University. She has an impressive track record in the government: she held health policy jobs at the White House and at CMS during the Obama administration. From 1999-2003, she worked as a program examiner in the Health and Human Services Branch at the White House Office of Management and Budget. She then went to work as director at Avalere Health from 2003-2007. 

After those 4 years, she decided to go back to work for the federal government. She spent from 2007-2009 on the staff of the House Ways and Means Committee, then from 2009-2012, she was director of coverage policy at the HHS Office of Health Reform. Lastly, from 2012-2014, she was deputy director of policy and regulation at the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight.

Health Groups Praise Biden’s Pick

3 sets of hands applauding.
Healthcare providers are happy with President Biden’s choice because of Ms. Brooks-LaSure’s background.

Providers are happy with President Biden’s pick of Ms. Brooks-LaSure. “America’s hospitals and health systems applaud the nomination of Chiquita Brooks-LaSure to serve as the next administrator of CMS,” American Hospital Association President and CEO Rick Pollack said in a statement. “She is well equipped to lead CMS and we look forward to working with her to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic and advance the health of all our patients and communities.”

America’s Essential Hospitals (AEH) released a statement supporting Brooks-LaSure’s nomination, citing her “deep expertise in Medicaid and Medicare policies and her role in advancing coverage” under the ACA.

“We also welcome Brooks-LaSure’s nomination due to her long-standing focus on disparities in health and health care, such as those that affect the underrepresented people our hospitals serve,” Bruce Siegel, MD, MPH, CEO of AEH, said in a statement. “Her work to combat maternal mortality and morbidity makes her well suited to meet this urgent challenge for our nation.” 

As of now, no confirmation hearing has been scheduled.

Biden Signs Executive Orders First Day In Office

On January 20, 2021, Joseph R. Biden, Jr. was sworn into office, making him the 46th President of the United States. Just hours after becoming President, Biden signed more than a dozen executive orders, some reversing former President Trump’s policies. Biden stressed that he wants to work with both parties in Congress in order to get his policies moving.

“There’s no time to start like today,” Biden told reporters in the Oval Office as he began signing a stack of orders and memoranda. “I’m going to start by keeping the promises I made to the American people.”

The executive orders Biden signed last Wednesday include:

woman with a blue mask on with white polka dots
President Biden signed an executive order for a mask mandate within federal buildings. 
  1. A mask mandate on federal property– Masks and physical distancing will be required in federal buildings, on federal lands and by government contractors. President Biden also urged state and local governments to have similar requirements, and asked that all  Americans wear masks for the next 100 days.
  2. The U.S.’s rentry into the World Health Organization (WHO)– Biden reversed Trump’s move to withdraw the country from the WHO, with Dr. Anthony Fauci being named head of the delegation to the WHO.
  3. The creation of a Covid-19 Office– Biden created a White House Covid-19 response team that will report directly to him. The team will focus on managing efforts to produce and distribute vaccines, masks, gloves and medical equipment, expand testing capacity, and reopen schools. 
  4. An extension of the foreclosure and eviction moratoriums– Biden extended the nationwide moratorium on evictions and foreclosures until at least March 31.
  5. A freeze on student debt collection– Biden directed the Education Department to continue to freeze monthly payments and interest on most federal student loans until “at least” the end of September.
  6. The U.S. will rejoin Paris climate accords– Biden reversed Trump’s exit last year from the Paris climate accord, which aims to push all countries to slash greenhouse gas emissions. It will take 30 days to rejoin the pact.
  7. The revoking of the Keystone XL pipeline permit- Biden revoked the presidential permit for the $8 billion Keystone XL pipeline that would transport fossil fuels from Canada across the U.S. The order will also work towards restoring protections and banning drilling in several national parks and national monuments, and setting stricter emissions and fuel economy standards for vehicles.
  8. A reversal of the 1776 Commission– Biden dismantled the 1776 Commission, a project aimed at promoting a more conservative history curriculum in U.S. schools. His executive order will also direct contractors and grant recipients to include diversity training and prevent workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
  9. A reversal of Trump’s changes to the Census– Biden reversed Trump’s efforts to exclude undocumented immigrations from the U.S. census.a magnifying glass over the words "mulsims banned"
  10. The abolition of the “Muslim Ban”– Biden got rid of the Trump administration’s ban on people from several majority Muslim countries entering the U.S. The order also instructs the State Department to restart visa processing for the countries affected by the ban.
  11. An effort to strengthen legal protections for immigrants- Biden directed the Secretary of Homeland Security to take actions to fortify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that shielded hundreds of thousands of young immigrants from deportation.
  12. A reversal of Trump’s expansion of immigration enforcement- Biden revoked Trump’s executive order that broadened the categories of who should be detained and deported.
  13. The halting of construction of the Mexico border wall– Biden terminated the national emergency declaration used to fund the U.S.-Mexico border wall.
  14. An extension of deportation deferrals for Liberians- Biden signed an order extending the Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) designation for Liberians who have been in the United States for many years until June 30, 2022, shielding them from deportation and extending their work authorizations.
  15. An implementation of an ethics pledge for all executive branch officials- Biden signed an ethics pledge and ordered every appointee in the executive branch to do the same. The ethics pledge will ban them from acting in their own personal interest and will require them to uphold the independence of the Department of Justice.
  16. A freeze on Trump’s “midnight regulations”– Biden signed an order that will freeze all Trump administration regulations currently in process, blocking them from taking effect while the new administration reviews them.

    person in an airport with a mask on rolling his luggage.
    One of Biden’s executive orders will require people to wear masks in airports, trains, and intercity buses.

Executive Orders signed on January 21 and 22:

  • Mask Mandate For Travel- Requires the wearing of masks in airports and on certain modes of transportation, including many trains, airplanes, maritime vessels and intercity buses.
  • Food Assistance– Biden asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture to allow states to increase Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits by 15%, ordering that families with 3 children be given an extra $300 every 2 months to help subsidize grocery shopping.
  • Raise Federal Minimum Wage– Biden laid down groundwork to expand protections for federal workers, by improving collective bargaining rights and promoting a $15 hourly minimum wage.
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