Take Advantage of Medicare Covered Cervical Screenings

The American Cancer Society estimates 13,000 women to be diagnosed with cervical cancer this year. About 50% of these women are 50 or over, and 15% of them are aged 65 and older. Cervical cancer can easily be identified through a routine Pap smear. Luckily for women 65 and older. Medicare covers Pap tests and pelvic exams to ensure health, and review risks. Taking advantage of these services Medicare offer can help evaluate any issues, and treat them early on. More importantly, these services can help prevent cervical cancer.

After the doctor collects specimen from cervix, it is sent to a lab to look for pre-cancerous cells.
After the doctor collects specimen from cervix, it is sent to a lab to look for pre-cancerous cells.

Pap Smears

Pap smear tests screen for signs of cervical cancer. The doctor uses a small device shaped like a spatula to scrape a few cells from your cervix. The specimen collected is then sent to a lab to check for any pre-cancer cells or abnormalities. If the doctor is able to identify any pre-cancerous cells early on, then you can be treated before the cancer fully develops.

What’s Covered By Medicare

Medicare Part B covers Pap smears and pelvic exams to screen for vaginal and cervical cancers once every 2 years. The screening also includes a clinical breast exam to screen for breast cancer. If you are at high risk for cervical or vaginal cancer, then Medicare will cover the screening tests every year.

A woman is considered high risk for cervical or vaginal cancer if she:

  • Was sexually active before the age of 16.
  • Has had 5 or more sexual partners.
  • Ever had a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Has received less than 3 negative pap smears within the last 7 years.

As long as you meet the eligibility requirements and get the annual screens done, then these services are free. The Pap smear test, lab work, pelvic exam, and breast exam are all free. The only way you will have to pay for these services is if you go to a doctor that does not accept Medicare assignment.

Women 65 and older should think about their health and get pap smears.
Women 65 and older should think about their cervical health and get pap smears for prevention of cancer. Medicare covers it so use it.

Healthcare has become costly over the years, so what could be better than free healthcare? These services are covered 100% by Medicare, which is one of the reasons to go get checked. The other more important reason to get checked is that the only way to prevent cervical or vaginal cancer, is to get screened. This way you can catch it early on before it develops into later stages. Something as simple as a pelvic exam and pap smear test can save a woman’s life. For women who are 65 and older, it is especially important to utilize these services so they can live a longer healthier life.

Plan F & Other Popular Medicare Supplement Plans Disappearing in 2020

Medicare has major coverage gaps, most notably that Part B pays only 80 percent of covered expenses, and the other 20 percent must be paid by the consumer. When you purchase a Medicare Supplement plan from a private insurer, you close that gap. These supplement plans have been growing in popularity over the years, mainly plans C and F. Congress has ruled to eliminate these two plans in the year 2020.

As of January 1, 2020, some popular Medicare Supplement Plans will no longer be available.
As of January 1, 2020, some popular Medicare Supplement Plans will no longer be available.

The legislation called the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), ruled that as of January 1, 2020, all newly eligible Medicare recipients cannot sign up for a supplemental plan that covers the Medicare Part B deductible. This means that Medicare Supplement Plans (also called Medigap Plans) C and F will be eliminated. However, those who are enrolled in Plan C or F as of December 31, 2019 will be “grandfathered” and continue with the plan as long as they want.

Why the changes?

Medicare is experiencing a growing financial strain from the ongoing enrollment of the Baby Boomer generation. This created a non stop increase of costs of health insurance. In an attempt to control costs by reducing claims, Congress decided it made sense to have Medicare recipients be responsible for more of their out-of-pocket medical expenses.

Medicare covers 80% of your outpatient benefits and Plan F covers both your Part A and B deductibles as well as the other 20%. Medicare Supplement Plan F is considered the Cadillac of all the supplement plans because it provides first dollar coverage, covering all the gaps in Medicare, leaving you with $0 out of pocket. People with Plan F have no copays for services that are Medicare-covered including copays at the doctor. Medicare Supplement Plan C is similar but does not include Medicare excess charge coverage

Lawmakers want to reduce medical misuse because they believe having this type of coverage leads to overuse of healthcare services. They fear that the people who have these plans will utilize it for every little thing like a cough, and run to the doctor because once the deductible is paid off, there are no co-pays, deductibles, or network of doctors to follow you. However, if you paid for your own deductible then you would reconsider doctor visits for minor things.

How will this affect policyholders?

Now would be the best time to start planning and consider your options.
Now would be the best time to start planning and consider your options. Discuss the differences of plans with an agent and choose which best suits your needs.

People who are grandfathered can continue to hold onto Plan F indefinitely. When the new change occurs in 2020, we will expect Medicare Supplement Plan F premiums to rise annually due to less people being enrolled.You can switch insurers, so if someone offers a better price, then you can apply to change to that insurance company’s policy.

If you are not grandfathered in and you cannot purchase plans F or C after January 1, 2020, you will want to consider plan G. Medicare Supplement Plan G is commonly known as the plan with the best value plan. Plan G has the same exact benefits as Plan F, but Plan G requires you to pay the annual Medicare Part B Deductible.

There are some concerns with the elimination of these plans. This could lead to consumers to not seeking treatment, which could lead to missing an early diagnosis and advanced health conditions. Essentially this will be more difficult and costly to treat, which defeats the money saving purpose Medicare began covering more preventative benefits.

With these changes ahead, you should plan for the financial impact it will have on you. If you need to compare, or would like to switch Medicare Supplement plans, contact EZ.Insure. A trained agent is always ready to help guide you. We can be contacted through email at [email protected] or by phone, 888-753-7207. Our agents will walk you through your options and help you find a plan with the right coverage within your budget. No hassle & no obligation, do it the easy way.

Are You Too Old To Donate Blood?

More than 4 million people will require a blood transfusion this year, whether because of cancer, accidents, or surgeries. There is such a high demand for blood to save lives, and a limited amount of

Blood is in such high demand in the U.S. Donate to help save a life.
Blood is in high demand in the U.S. Donate to help save a life. There is no such thing as too old.

it. Every day, 44,000 units of blood are used to save lives across the United States. About 38% of the population in the US is able to donate blood, but only 10% donate. Many people who are 65 and older question if they can donate blood because of their age and health risks, and the answer is yes.

As long as you meet the requirements to donate blood, then you can donate. There is no such thing as “too old.”

The Requirements

    • At least 17 years old
    • Weight is at least 110 lbs
    • Good health
  • 8 weeks in between blood donations

You can not donate if:

    • You’ve had a blood transfusion within the last year
    • You are pregnant or was within the last 6 weeks
    • Gotten a tattoo within the last year
    • Had Hepatitis when you were 11 or older
    • You have a cold, or flu
    • Have HIV
    • You have low iron
  • You have lived in or traveled to a malaria-risk country in the past 3 years

    The process of donating blood only take 5-10 minutes.
    The process of donating blood only take 5-10 minutes.

The American Association of Blood Banks used to ban people over 65 from donating blood. In 1978 the rule was dismissed after studies showed that older people who stored blood before surgery did well. “We found over time that individuals who are older do just fine donating blood, as long as they don’t have certain medical conditions that make them ineligible,” said Dr. Ross Herron, the chief medical officer of the West division of the American Red Cross.

There are different variations to donate blood: platelet donation which is small proteins within the blood plasma, or whole blood donation. If you choose to donate, talk to your doctor and make sure you are eligible with good health. A physical will be taken to make sure your blood pressure, and pulse is good. Then the process will only take about 5-10 minutes, followed by a snack to make sure you are not lightheaded before you leave. If you want to consider donating blood or platelets, then go for it! It is something that is always in demand, and saves lives.

New Year, New You, How To Get Started

It is officially 2019 and time to set some resolutions you intend to keep this year. First thing you should do is reflect on last year, then reflect on what you would like to change or do differently. This year set a goal on what is important to you and what you would like to change both physically, and mentally. Your new year’s resolution should be a priority so it does not get brushed under the rug after a short period of time. There are a number of different goals that are attainable for seniors to strive for this year. It does not take a lot of effort, just some time and motivation. Here are some resolutions that you can think about and take on!

Eat Healthier

This year make it a goal to try to eat more vegetables, and less sugar. Start off by making at least one meal a healthier one and add vegetables to others. Incorporate whole grains, fish, and healthy fats into your diet. Instead of reaching for a piece of pie after dinner, try a piece of dark chocolate or some fruit. They are satisfying and yummy alternatives.

You can learn to use technology so you can connect with friends anf family more often.
You can learn to use technology so you can connect with friends anf family more often.

A healthy diet will help you live longer and stronger.

Learn How To Use New Technology

Technology is always changing and evolving. It can be hard for some seniors to learn new gadgets, and social media outlets. This year try to take on something new, whether Facebook, or a smartphone. These outlets will help you stay connected to family and friends, and battle social isolation. If you need help figuring it out, ask family or friends.

Be Active

This resolution is one of the most popular ones every year. It is a good resolution to do, but the importance is to stick to it because it is often abandoned early. Start out slow and easy with something as simple as walking for 15 minutes. Yoga, and aqua aerobics are awesome workout routines that help stretch you and are low impact on your joints. Exercise will improve your blood pressure, blood sugar regulation, and increase your endurance.

Visit Your Grandkids More

Nothing is better than spending time with your grandchildren. The unconditional love you receive from them increases your mental health, and increases your life’s quantity and quality. This year try to stay connected with your grandkids on a regular basis. This will strengthen your bond, and keep you close. Make a date to see them at least once a week if you can, whether in person or via video chat.

Pick Up A Hobby

Pick up an old or new hobby this year. If there is a hobby that you used to love doing but lost the time for it, then get back to it. You can paint, knit, collect things, repurpose old things, etc. Whatever you would like to take on, consider it this year. It can be relaxing “me time” that you enjoy doing everyday.

Brain Games

Work your brain with some puzzles and brain games.
Work your brain with some puzzles and brain games.

In order to stay sharp and keep your brain strong, you must keep it as active as possible. Your brain needs a workout just like your body does. Crossword puzzles like sudoku, and brain teaser games can improve your cognitive skills, and reduce memory loss. You can do these kind of brain games, or try to learn new things like a new language. Try to keep your brain active this year so it can improve over time.

Try something new this year that will improve your life. Start out small and do not try to make drastic changes, otherwise you will give up. Have some fun this year, pick up a hobby, and increase your physical and mental health. Stay happy, and healthy this year.

2019 Medicare Deductibles & Copays Are Out

This past October, the CMS released the new rates for Medicare deductibles and copays for 2019. It is important to review the new rates to determine if it is affordable for you and your situation. If you can not afford the raised rates, then now would be the time to make some budget changes, or consider a Medicare Supplement plan. Most, if not all, Medicare Supplement plans will cover the deductibles and copays.

The New Rates

    • Medicare Part A Hospital Deductibles have gone up $24 from 2018. It is now $1,364.
    • Medicare Part A Deductible for a Skilled Nursing Facility for days 20-100 have gone up $3 per day since last year. The cost is now $170.50 per day.
    • Medicare Part B Deductible has gone up $2 from 2018. It now costs $185.
    • Medicare Part B Premiums have gone up $1.50 from 2018. Premiums will be $135.50 a month.
  • Annual income rates have increased; if your income was greater than $85,000 single or $170,000 couple, then you will face additional costs for Medicare Part B premiums. About $2.10 more a month.
2019 Medicare premiums are going up based on income.
2019 Medicare premiums are going up based on income.

The day before the Medicare rates were announced, the Social Security Administration had its own announcement. The Administration set a 2.8% cost-of-living adjustment, COLA, to 2019 social security benefits. Thanks to the “hold harmless” provision, almost 2 million Medicare beneficiaries will not have to pay the full Part B monthly premium payments of $135.50. Hold harmless is the guarantee that a Medicare beneficiary receives limiting how much their Part B premiums can go up. The premiums can not be greater than the increase in their Social Security benefits. However, this only applies to 3.5% of Medicare beneficiaries. So what are the rest to do?

Plan Ahead

If you can not budget the new Medicare premiums for 2019, then a Medicare Supplement can help.
If you can not budget the new Medicare premiums for 2019, then a Medicare Supplement can help.

Even though the costs have increased only by a couple of dollars a month, the $2 can add up throughout the year. It can change the budget for a lot of people, and some will be struggling to fit it into their budget. If you are one of these people who worry how you are going to pay these extra costs, then looking into a Medicare Supplement plan would be beneficial. There are 10 different kinds of Medicare Supplement plans that you can look into. Most of these plans will pay the deductibles and copays, and offer extra benefits that Original Medicare does not offer.

Researching and comparing the different kinds of Medicare Supplement plans can be frustrating. EZ.Insure offers highly trained agents in your region that specialize with Medicare Supplement plans. They can go over your needs with you, compare plans, and provide you with quotes instantly. To get a quote enter your zip code in the bar above, or contact an agent by calling 888-753-7207, or emailing [email protected]. We make the process easier for you, so you do not have to stress or miss an important detail.

Mutual of Omaha Plans To Sell Medicare Advantage Plans in 2019

In 2019, Mutual of Omaha, an Omaha-based insurer will begin selling Medicare Advantage plans with prescription drug coverage. They have partnered up with Lumeris, a St. Louis company that will handle the health provider networks, and healthcare solutions.

The Kaiser Family Foundation recorded that one in three Medicare recipients are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan. They project the number to rise to nearly 41 percent by the year 2027.

Omaha is introducing Medicare Advantage Plans in 2019.
Omaha is introducing Medicare Advantage Plans in 2019 to provide options for seniors.

The Plan

James Blackledge, the Mutual Chairman and CEO said “Our entrance into the Medicare Advantage market represents a significant step forward for Mutual of Omaha as we strive to respond to customer needs and offer a meaningful suite of senior health solutions. We’re confident that our collaboration with Lumeris will lead to better health outcomes for our Medicare Advantage customers.”

Mutual started in 1909, and has been one of the first providers of Medicare Supplement plans. But recently Medicare Supplement plan sales have been declining, while Advantage sales have increased.

Lumeris has over 10 years of experience with Medicare Advantage plans, even starting their own called Essence Healthcare, which has about 65,000 members in the St. Louis area. They have built a value-based model to provide seniors with better health for a lower cost while providing a better patient and physician experience. The company functions to help other medical providers deliver better care and financial outcomes by its value-based care model.

The idea is to create more plans so that Medicare beneficiaries can save money, and receive better care.
The idea is to create more plans so that Medicare beneficiaries can save money, and receive better care.

“Our new initiative with Mutual of Omaha is exciting because it enables both of our companies to build on our successes while remaining laser-focused on what matters most—delivering the highest quality care to seniors,” said Lumeris Chairman and CEO Mike Long. “This new partnership also leverages each company’s unique strengths to benefit the larger healthcare ecosystem. Together, we will make a deeper, more meaningful difference in the lives of patients and providers.”

Hopeful Future

The alliance between the companies will allow Mutual of Omaha to continue to lead in the senior health market. Mutual will provide Medicare Advantage plans, while Lumeris will evaluate markets, and establish networks.

A Mutual executive vice president, Brad Beuchler said that the plans will have narrow networks. The networks will be limited as to how many physicians, hospitals and care providers to choose from. This way there will be reduced costs while improving efficiency and medical outcomes.

The multiyear agreement is expected to be ready by Medicare open enrollment October 15, and the plans taking effect January 1, 2019. This will hopefully provide better healthcare quality with lower costs for seniors.

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