How to Cut Down Salt in Your Diet

Usually we are unaware of how much salt we consume in a day. Around 75% of the things we eat already have salt in it, even things like bread, and cereal. It is important to keep an eye on our salt intake in order to prevent any serious health conditions. High sodium intake can cause high blood pressure, water retention, and can lead to heart disease. Everything is good in moderation, and salt is no different. The problem is that most of us do not realize exactly how much salt we consume or what to do about it. We have compiled a few helpful tips to help you keep track of how

A lot of everyday foods that you consume conatin salt.
A lot of everyday foods that you consume conatin salt. Try to keep track of how much salt foods contain, and minimize large salt intake for better health.

much salt you are actually eating, and how to cut down if you realize you’re getting way too much!


When cooking, we throw in a handful of salt or a pinch here and there out of habit. Sometimes the amount of salt we add is a lot more than needed and in the long run will hurt our bodies. There are many different seasonings that can be used to bring flavor to our food that are not as harmful to your health and help cut down on salt. Fresh herbs can be used on vegetables and meat such as garlic and ginger, both are beneficial to your health. Ginger and garlic can lower your blood pressure, fight infections, help you lose weight, and is anti-inflammatory.


When you are out shopping for foods, it is important to check the milligrams of sodium on label. Compare labels and try to cut the salt by choosing cereals, condiments, and snacks that have lower salt. Ham and packaged meats can be high in salt, as well as fish, so try to stay away from them as much as possible, go for the fresh options instead. Canned foods and sauces can be high in sodium too, so keep an eye on those as well. Buying products with less salt doesn’t necessarily mean less taste. Fresher ingredients give you the opportunity to adjust ingredients, try new flavors, and experiment with new cooking styles introducing you to meals you may not have tried before, and giving you body a much better balance of nutrients.

Eating Out

A lot of food that is made at restaurants or fast food places can be full of sodium because they are made of frozen and ready made ingredients. When eating out try to opt for a fresh salad, this is much better for your digestive system, has less frozen ingredients, and will cut down on the amount of unnecessary chemicals and sodium you are taking in. Even salads can have unnecessary amounts of salt if you are not careful, be mindful of salad dressings, and extra toppings they can be full of salt and fat. If you feel the need for pasta or a burger, there are ways to make it healthier. You can limit the condiments on burgers that are full of salt, and stick to cheese and vegetables. With pasta, choose a healthier tomato sauce instead of alfredo, and add vegetables to the pasta. If ordering a sandwich,  go for something

If you choose to go out to eat, opt for less condiments on a sandwich. This will save you from eating too much salt.
If you choose to go out to eat, opt for less condiments on a sandwich. This will save you from eating too much salt. Less is more!

other than ham because it is generally full of salt, try something like grilled chicken with vegetables.

Our kidneys have a hard time trying to keep up with the amount of salt we take in on a daily basis. The body ends up holding the water in, increasing blood volume, which in the end forces our hearts to pump harder. Over time, the work the heart has to put in can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. High blood pressure is the leading cause of heart disease. It is very important to examine the our salt intake every day to avoid these issues. All it takes are a few simple switches to turn a high sodium meal into a healthier choice, and we do not have to miss out on flavor while doing so. We only have one heart, so we should try to keep it as healthy as possible.

Foods Proven To Prevent Cancer

Helping prevent cancer is so easy it might surprise you. It is as simple as adding the right types of food to your diet to decrease your chances! While there is no magical fruit or vegetable that will cure cancer or completely prevent cancer, there are foods you can eat to lower your risk of getting cancer. Certain foods can help boost your immune system, and protect your body to fight off diseases and cancer. Research has shown there is a link between cancer and your diet. The other factors are your environment and genetics, but you can change the chances of getting cancer up to 70% by improving your diet. A lot of Americans have an unhealthy diet, and would rather eat a cheeseburger than vegetables. However, foods such as garlic, broccoli, and fruits can not only lower your risk of heart disease, but also lower your risk of cancer. It is definitely worth adding to your diet as often as possible.

There is no secret that how we treat our bodies, and what we put into it, is what we get back from how it functions. Making small changes to your diet can make a difference to your health long-term. Antioxidants are key to boost your immune system and protect against cancer cells. Here are some nutritious foods to eat and what they provide your body with:

Many vegetables such as carrots, garlic, and brocolli have antioxidants that help fight cancer cells.
Many vegetables such as carrots, garlic, and brocolli have antioxidants that help fight cancer cells. Some can even shrink current cancer cells.


Broccoli is considered a superfood that prevents cancer due to containing sulforaphane. Sulforaphane was tested and has shown to reduce the size and number of breast cancer cells up to 75%. Hundreds of studies in mice have shown that broccoli also reduces prostate, colorectal and colon cancer. Be sure that when you cook broccoli to add to your meals, that you do not microwave it. Microwaving broccoli kills almost all of its cancer-protective nutrients. It is best to eat it raw, or boil it over the stove for 6 minutes to reduce losing too much of the good stuff.


Not only can garlic help lower your blood pressure and risk of heart disease, but it has been shown to kill off cancer cells. Multiple studies have shown that the active component in garlic named allicin lowers the risk of stomach cancer and prostate cancer. Add garlic to your meals when you cook, the fresher the better. You may have stinky breath, but you will have a healthier body!


Carrots contain beta-carotene which is an antioxidant that may protect cell membranes from the growth of cancer cells. It has been reduced to lowering lung cancer, and cervical cancer. Eat carrots when they are cooked to benefit its antioxidants properties more. Steam or boil the carrots for most nutritional value.


Not only are tomatoes yummy, but they have the potential to help your body fight off prostate cancer and heart disease. A phytochemical called lycopene gives tomatoes their red color, and its anticancer properties as well. Several studies have shown that the increased intake of lycopene lead to a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Add fresh tomatoes to your sauces, salsa, and sandwiches.

Olive Oil

Adding olive oil to your diet can reduce a woman’s chances of breast cancer by almost 70%. Studies have shown that around the world, countries who used olive oil more, had decreased rates of colorectal cancer. Try to swap other oils for olive oil when cooking, and for drizzle on salads and marinades.


Berries carry so many antioxidants and vitamin C, which aids in the destruction of cancer-causing cells. Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries carry a lot of antioxidant power. Not only can berries prevent the growth of cancer cells, but studies have shown that people with cancer who eat berries such as blackberries slowed cancer progression and reduce the growth of the cells. Grab some berries at your local store and find ways to incorporate it in your day as a snack, or added to salads and smoothies.


Nuts can decrease the risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers.
Nuts can decrease the risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers. Find ways to add them to your diet.

What is yummy and goes well with berries? Nuts! Eating nuts regularly can decrease the risk of colorectal, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers. Brazil nuts are high in selenium which protects your body from lung cancer, and walnuts were studied to decrease breast cancer cells by 80%. Add some nuts to your salads, cooked meals, and in some homemade trail mix.

There are so many benefits to eating healthier, especially when it comes to fighting off cancer. Research is conducted everyday, and has shown that your diet has a large impact on your overall health and risk of cancer. Some foods will not only reduce the speed and growth of cancer cells, but they can prevent it all together. Incorporate the foods mentioned more often into your diet, and not only will you begin to feel better, but your body will have a higher chance of beating cancer cell’s butts.

Healthy Eating Tips

In order to stick to a healthy diet, it is important to consume the right amount of calories for how active you are throughout the day. You must have a balanced diet so that your body receives all the nutrients necessary with the energy you use. It is recommended that men eat around 2,500 calories a day, while women should have 2,000 a day. Here are a few eating tips to focus on every day.

Eating breakfast is important to kickstart your metabolism for the day.
Eating breakfast is important to kickstart your metabolism for the day, it also gives your brain fuel.

Do Not Skip Breakfast

It is always said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that’s because it is. Eating breakfast is what kick starts your metabolism for the day and helps you to lose and/or maintain weight. Research has actually shown that people who eat breakfast regularly are less likely to be overweight.

Eggs with whole grain toast or a low-sugar cereal with fruit is a nutritious healthy way to start the day.

Eat Less Salt

Too much salt can raise your blood pressure which makes your heart pump more than normal. This can lead to heart disease or a stroke. Reading food labels is a good way to cut down on your salt intake. Foods that we eat already such as bread and sauces contain salt in it.

More than 1.5 grams of salt over 100 grams means that the food is high in salt. You should try to limit your salt intake to no more than 6 grams a day.

Drink Plenty of Fluids

Make sure to keep yourself hydrated so your body can replenish your cells.
Make sure to keep yourself hydrated so your body can replenish your cells.

Getting enough liquids in a day is important to stay hydrated and help flush out your system of toxins. It is recommended that a person drink 8 glasses of water a day in addition to the fluid we get from the food we eat.

Avoid sugary soft and fizzy drinks, and unsweetened fruit juice and smoothies because they are high not only in sugar but in calories as well. Stick to a cup of teas, fruit juices, smoothies or vegetable juices. However, water is the most essential for your health.

Eat More Fish

Fish offers a lot of protein, vitamins, and minerals, which is why it is good for your body and health. They contain a lot of omega-3 fats, which is essential for heart health, preventing heart disease. You should try to eat at least 2 portions of fish a week, one oily fish and one non-oily.

Some oily fish include salmon, mackerel, trout, herring, fresh tuna, sardines, and pilchards.

Non-oily fish include haddock, plaice, coley, cod, canned tuna*, skate, and hake.

*Canned fish contain a lot of salt, so be sure to keep an eye on salt intake to a minimum.

Eat Plenty of Fruits & Vegetables

Doctors recommend that we eat at the minimum five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. A lot of people do not accomplish this because it may seem to be too much. You can easily eat a banana or blueberries in the morning with your breakfast. And as far as the rest of the day, unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice/smoothie counts as another serving, and at lunch and dinner try to have a cup of vegetables, raw or cooked.

Watch Starchy Carbohydrates

Starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta should make up over a third of the food you eat. A lot of people are scared to eat carbs and cut them out of their diet completely to lose weight, but these carbs are important. They can help you feel fuller for longer, just be sure to try to choose whole grain for a healthier option.

You should aim for at least one starchy carbohydrate each meal, but make sure to keep an eye on what you put on these starches, Calories add up quick when you add butter to bread or creamy sauces on pasta.

Achieving these helpful eating tips and turning them into habits will help you live a healthier life. Over time of choosing wisely what you eat, it will become a habit to make healthier lifestyle options, which in turn is best for heart health, body, and weight.

Important Diet Tips for Seniors

A healthy diet is important, especially for seniors to stay healthy. Your diet can impact a lot of different diseases such as heart and lung, osteoporosis, and diabetes to name a few. Tissues in our bodies are reliant on vitamins and minerals, and liquids. It is essential to intake healthy calories, and stay away from empty ones such as junk food.

Here are some tips in order to live a healthier lifestyle:

Make Sure to Stay Hydrated

Many times, as the day goes on, people may forget to drink water, juice, or teas. It is very important to remember to stop and drink to replenish all of your cells, organs, and t

Eating slowly allows you to feel fuller quicker and enjoy your meal.
When eating, take your time. This will allow you to feel fuller and more satisfied.

issues in your body. Make sure to drink an adequate amount of liquids throughout the day.

Eat Slowly

Studies show that eating slowly can be beneficial to a better digestion. So take smaller bites and take your time enjoying your meal!

Vitamin D and Omega 3’s is Key

Vitamin D is important for the preservation and function of muscles and bones. It can help with osteoporosis, and help prevent fractures associated with osteoporosis. You can receive Vitamin D by sunlight, supplements, or certain foods. Omega 3 reduces your chances of heart disease and strokes, alongside improving brain function and memory. It can be found in supplements or in foods such as nuts and fish.

Probiotics and fiber are important for your body's digestion.
Probiotics and fiber are important for your body to help digest the food you eat.

Don’t Forget Fiber & Probiotics

Probiotics and fiber can help with stomach issues such as constipation, and helps with your immunity against bacteria that can get you sick. You can get probiotics through supplements, or foods like yogurt and juices.  Fiber helps regulate your digestion and can be found in many vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, raspberries, brussel sprouts and avocados to name a few.

Check Nutrition Facts & Watch Your Sodium Intake

High blood pressure can lead to a stroke or heart disease, which is why it is important to watch how much sodium is in the food you are buying, and consuming. Read the nutrition labels on the back of foods and the serving size to make sure it is not high in sodium. You can lower high blood pressure by focusing on foods that are low in sodium, such as fruits, nuts (unsalted), and brown rice to name a few.

Food portion is also important, so remember to stay within a daily caloric diet between 1500 and 2000 calories. These tips are beneficial for the well-being of any senior, and can help reduce health issues. Stay aware and make healthier lifestyle choices to live longer and prevent major health conditions.

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