Type 2 Diabetes On The Rise In Children

Diabetes has been a growing concern over the past couple of years. Now with more focus on children, as the number of kids with type 2 diabetes has increased over the years. There are a number of factors that contribute to developing diabetes. It can run in the family, but what will actually bring it on is your lifestyle, mainly your weight. Kids that are

Obesity attributes to a greater risk of developing diabetes.
Obesity attributes to a greater risk of developing diabetes.

overweight are at the highest risk, and seem to be the ones who are getting this disease.

There are ways to prevent diabetes in children, mainly keeping a healthy diet and staying active. Learning about diabetes, and it’s symptoms can be of great help for your child’s health. Catching it early on, and learning how to treat it will help you make the necessary changes your child needs to control it. But it is possible we can make small changes to prevent it altogether.

What Is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which your body cannot properly use or produce enough insulin. Another word for type 2 diabetes is non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. A person’s body cannot move blood sugar into cells, which is why their blood sugar drops or rises unexpectedly, especially a long time before eating, or after eating.

What Causes Type 2 Diabetes?

Anyone can develop diabetes, but it is more likely to develop  in those who are overweight or obese. Being obese increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes because it causes insulin resistance. Once your body becomes insulin resistant, your sugar levels become high, and you have a lower tolerance for glucose (sugar). Other risk factors include family history of parents having diabetes. Being Asian, Pacific Islander, African, Native American, or of Latin descent increases your risk factors of developing the disease.


If you can catch the symptoms early on, then you can help prevent the disease from getting worse. Signs to look for are:

Blurred vision is one of the symptoms of diabetes.
Blurred vision is one of the symptoms of diabetes.
  • Frequent urination
  • Unusual thirst
  • Blurred vision
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Wounds taking a long time to heal
  • Weight loss
  • Frequent bladder infections
  • Loss of feeling in hands or feet


Lifestyle changes are very important in the treatment of diabetes. Weight management, changing your diet, and exercising are the best ways to treat type 2 diabetes, or any diabetes for that matter. It can help control the disease, and may even get rid of it. A doctor can prescribe insulin or medications that help your body with insulin balance. An important way to treat diabetes is knowing your glucose levels, which can be checked with a blood glucose monitor.


A healthy weight is key to preventing a child from developing type 2 diabetes. As stated before, healthy meals are just as important, and exercising.

Over ten years ago, children having type 2 diabetes was almost unheard of. If we do not make changes, the number of kids developing diabetes will only continue to rise. Know the signs, and get your child treated as soona s possible if you suspect they have type 2 diabetes. Checkups are important especially if it runs in the family. Take the simple steps listed in order to prevent your child from getting diabetes. Give your children a healthy well balanced diet, and help them remain active. Go outside and enjoy a walk together, and promote physical activities to help them maintain ideal weight for their height. If your kid does have diabetes, knowing how to treat and control it is important for you and your child. Understanding the disease can help your kid recognize if their glucose levels are off before it worsens, take the necessary steps needed, and make better decisions for their health.

Difference Between Cold & Canker Sores And How To Treat Them

Cold sores and canker sores are often mistaken for one another because of their similarities, but they are not the same. You are more likely to get a canker or cold sore during the colder months due to a weakened immune system. There are ways to differentiate between the two and treat the two types of sores, and it is something you may want to because one is a contagious virus, while the other is just a sore.

What Are Cold Sores?

Cold sore, commonly called fever blisters, are fluid-filled blisters or pimples outside the mouth, nose or anywhere near the mouth. There can be a cluster of them, and once the blister pops and the fluid escapes, a crust develops. Cold sores are triggered by sunlight, harsh wind, hormone changes, stress, and viral infections.

Cold sores are highly contagious, and can be spread by kissing.
Cold sores are highly contagious & are caused by the Herpes simplex virus, and can be spread by kissing.

These sores are highly contagious and can be spread by kissing, drinking from others cups, or eating from other. Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) is the virus associated with cold sores and is contagious even when there are no sores or symptoms. Almost 90% of adults that have been tested were tested positive for this strand of herpes virus. Tingling will usually occur 24-48 hours before a cold sore or cluster appears. They usually heal within 2-4 weeks and are sometimes painful.

Symptoms begin after an illness such as a cold and once the illness is over, it activates the HSV and creates the cold sores. Most of the time, infected people do not get a cold sore because the HSV is never reactivated after the first initial infection.

What Are Canker Sores?

Canker sores, also known as aphthous ulcers, are sore that takes place inside the mouth. They are shaped like a circle or oval and are yellow or white with a red border. They can appear under your tongue, inside of your cheek or lip, or the gum line. There are minor canker sores, medium sores, and herpetiform canker sores. Herpetiform sores develop in clusters and at times merge together but are often rare compared to the occurrence of minor canker sores.

These sores typically occur when your immune system is down and when you are fatigued. It may also be caused by food allergies, hormonal changes, something sharp like a chip can cut inside your mouth and cause one. Some kinds of toothpastes can acidic foods can also cause a canker sore. If you are deficient in zinc, folate, iron or vitamin B-12, you may experience canker sores. Women are twice as likely to get canker sores.

Canker sores are not contagious and usually vanish within a week or two, but if it does not go away then you should go to a doctor. It can cause pain and discomfort, accompanied by a fever, or eye discomfort.  

Ice can relieve discomfort for both canker sores and cold sores.
Ice can relieve discomfort for both canker sores and cold sores.

How to Treat a Canker Sore

  • Rinse with warm salt water
  • Rinse with baking soda and warm water
  • Ice to relieve discomfort
  • Benozocaine can numb the sore and help with the pain
  • Avoid spicy, acidic, and sharp foods or very hot food until canker sores are gone

How to Prevent a Canker Sore

  • Take probiotics
  • Avoid foods that can trigger
  • Eat healthy
  • Reduce stress and get more sleep

How to Treat a Cold Sore

There is no definite cure for cold sores because once the virus has entered your body, then you have it forever. They will clear up within 2-4 weeks without any treatment, but pills and creams can speed up the process.

  • Ice for discomfort and reduce inflammation
  • Denavir- a prescription cream that decreases pain and speed up the healing process
  • Acyclovir (Zovirax) or valacyclovir (Valtrex) are pills that decrease symptoms. Be sure to start as soon as you feel symptoms beginning.

How to Prevent a Cold Sore

  • Avoid Physical Contact with someone with an outbreak
  • Keep Your Hands Clean
  • Avoid Makeup
  • Apply chapstick to protect your lips from sun and harsh winds
  • Reduce Stress-meditate, exercise and keep stress levels down
  • Make sure your immune system is strong so eat a vitamin rich diet and a healthy immune system to avoid illnesses that can flare up the HSV.

Trump Promises To Protect Pre-Existing Conditions

Over the years, President Trump has been slowly picking away at Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act. But there has been one section of the ACA that he intends to keep, which is the pre-existing conditions clause. Trump recently stated he was going to “totally protect people with pre-existing conditions.” Despite the Trump Administration putting the provision in jeopardy, Trump is stating he backs it and that Democrats do not.

Trump promises to protect and cover pre-existing conditions, even after the ACA is gone.
Trump promises to protect and cover pre-existing conditions, even after the ACA is gone.

The controversy all began when Trump was running for presidency. One of his promises was to get rid of Obamacare, and so far he has kept that promise. Over the years, he has gotten rid of the individual mandate. This mandate stated that people must get health insurance or they will face a penalty. Due to getting rid of this mandate, many states have challenged the ACA’s constitutionality in a lawsuit this past February. These states are saying that since the mandate is unconstitutional, then the entire health care is also.

The Promise

Throughout the dismantling of the ACA, Trump is fighting to protect people with pre-existing conditions. He wants to make sure that they are still able to get health insurance, and will not be rejected or pay more because of the conditions. This is all came about as midterm elections were approaching, and he was urging people to vote Republican. In his tweet he stated that Republicans will back those with pre-existing conditions, and that Democrats will not, so “vote Republican.”

Trump administration officials said they will allow states to use federal subsidies to pay for health plans that don’t cover pre-existing conditions. Republicans all over the U.S. back what Trump has said about pre-existing conditions.

Make sure you plan ahead so that you are covered.
Make sure you plan ahead so that you are covered. Look into a short-term plan, and if it will work for you.

However, there are many doubts if this will actually hold true. A lot of people are skeptical about the pre-existing provision, especially after the midterm elections. Many see this as an attempt to get people to support Trump. The fact is that premiums may be high for those with pre-existing conditions, and not necessarily protect them.

Short-term plans are being expanded in hopes that people will go for them, which does not offer comprehensive plans. This means they may not necessarily cover pre-existing conditions. But if Trump does truly stand behind protecting pre-existing conditions, he can take some steps to ensure it will be be protected, which we have yet to see.

Once the lawsuit between the states and the government to get rid of the ACA is over, only then will we know what will happen with pre-existing conditions. This can cost a lot of people looking for health insurance a lot of money, and even possibly be denied coverage.

This Quick & Easy Test Will Tell You Your Diabetes Risk!

There are three main types of diabetes, type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your body attacks its own pancreas with antibodies, therefore the inability to produce insulin. Gestational diabetes happens during a woman’s pregnancy. It creates a great risk to the unborn baby such as abnormal weight when the baby is born, breathing problems, and a higher risk of obesity and diabetes later in life. The mother may develop type 2 diabetes later in life because of gestational diabetes.

Take a quick test and calculate your numbers to determine your risk of developing diabetes.
Take a quick test and calculate your numbers to determine your risk of developing diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common one. It accounts for 95% of diabetes in adults, with numbers rising in children as well. Type 2 diabetes is when the pancreas does produce insulin, but not enough for the body’s needs. It can cause major health risks including heart disease and a stroke. There are many factors that can contribute to increasing a person’s risk of developing diabetes. Take this quick test to find out if you are at risk.

How Old Are You?

Less than 40 years (0 points)

40-49 years (1 point)

50-59 years (2 points)

60 years (3 points)

Family History: Does Your Mom, Dad or Siblings Have Diabetes?

Yes (1 point)

No (0 points)

Do You Have High Blood Pressure?

Yes (1 point)

No (0 points)

Are You Physically Active? (At Least 2.5 Hours of Exercise A Week)

Yes (0 points)

No (1 point)

Are You A Woman or Man?

Woman  (0 points)

Man(1 point)

What Is Your Height and weight? (BMI)

4´ 10˝         119–142         143–190            191+
4´ 11˝          124–147         148–197            198+
5´ 0˝           128–152         153–203           204+
5´ 1˝            132–157         158–210            211+
5´ 2˝           136–163         164–217            218+
5´ 3˝           141–168          169–224           225+
5´ 4˝           145–173          174–231            232+
5´ 5˝           150–179          180–239           240+
5´ 6˝           155–185          186–246           247+
5´ 7˝           159–190          191–254            255+
5´ 8˝           164–196          197–261            262+
5´ 9˝           169–202         203–269           270+
5´ 10˝         174–208         209–277           278+
5´ 11˝          179–214           215–285          286+
6´ 0˝           184–220          221–293          294+
6´ 1˝            189–226          227–301          302+
6´ 2˝           194–232          233–310          311+
6´ 3˝           200–239         240–318          319+
6´ 4˝           205–245         246–327           28+
                      1 point            2 points          3 points
*If you weigh less than the amount
in the left column: 0 points

Once you have written down the points, add them all up. If you scored 5 or higher, then you are at a high risk for developing type 2 diabetes. It is important to talk to your doctor if your score was high, and depending on your race, you may be at a higher risk. African Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Hispanics/Latinos, Native

If you fear you are at risk for diabetes, call your doctor, and check your insulin.
If you fear you are at risk for diabetes, call your doctor, and check your insulin frequently.

Hawaiians, and Asian Americans are at a higher risk for type 2 diabetes because it is most common among these races.

If you believe you are at high risk for diabetes, or even moderate risk, bring it up to your doctor. Get your blood sugar levels checked at the doctor’s office, and as often as you need to. There are different screenings and tests your doctor can run to make sure you are not at risk of developing diabetes. If you do have diabetes, or are a high risk, then your doctor can talk about treatment and prevention. Eat a well balanced diet, exercise 3-4 days a week, and watch your weight in order to avoid diabetes.

OEP Deadlines and Extensions

Are you completely happy with your health insurance? The 2019 open enrollment period has officially begun on November 1st, and will continue until December 15, 2018, lasting six weeks. During this time is when you can sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Last year was the first time the enrollment was shortened to just 6 weeks, and it continues this year as well. With the shortened deadline continuing, it is important to review your health insurance coverage, compare others, and sign up before the December 15. Some states this year have extended the period. Find out which states and how long you have depending where you live.

Some states have extended the open enrollment deadline for 2019 healh insurance.
Some states have extended the open enrollment deadline for 2019 healh insurance.

Extended States

The states that have participated in open enrollment with extensions are:

  • California, October 15, 2018 – January 15, 2019
  • Colorado,  November 1, 2018 – January 12, 2019
  • District of Columbia,  November 1, 2018 – January 31, 2019
  • Massachusetts,  November 1, 2018 – January 23, 2019
  • Minnesota, November 1, 2018 – January 13, 2019
  • New York,  November 1, 2018 – January 31, 2019
  • Rhode Island, November 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018

Three more states have the opportunity to extend their open enrollment period. The states that did so last year last minute, and can do it again are:

  • Connecticut, November 1, 2017 – December 22, 2017
  • Maryland, November 1, 2017 – December 22, 2017
  • Washington, November 1, 2017 – January 15, 2018

Other Changes

Another change to keep in mind during the open enrollment is that if you have missed payments in the past, then you can not sign up. The loophole that used to let people stop paying premiums at the end of the year and still be able to sign up is over. If all of your premiums are not paid for the 2018 year, then you will not beale to sign up for

Make sure to sign up before time runs out.
Make sure to sign up before time runs out.

2019 health insurance.

If you decide to buy health insurance from the ACA, then you should start looking into plans now and purchase it before the end of the enrollment period. Once you buy a plan, coverage will begin January 1, 2019. If you miss the open enrollment period, the only other time you can sign up is during a special enrollment period due to a qualifying life event such as marriage, having a baby, or losing coverage. You will now have to provide the necessary paperwork proving the qualifying life event. Start researching as soon as possible your options so you do not run out of time.

Common Internet Scams & Their Languages

With the world at our fingertips, it has become even easier to fall victim to online scams. Over the years, there have been many scams, and have evolved to trick people into participating. Once people fall victim to these scams, they can lose their identity, and/or up to thousands of dollars. People think that seniors are targeted and fall for these scams, but the reality is that these scammers target all age brackets.

Studies have shown that younger people between the ages of 20-30 reported losing money to fraud up to 40% more often than older people. However, when older people age 70 or higher was scammed, the median loss was higher than younger people.

Internet scammers only target is our money, and there is nothing that will stop them from trying, not even spyware.  Make sure to familiarize yourself with common scams in order to avoid falling for them and losing money. Common language that should tip you off is phishing, pharming, and 419s just to name a few. Also focus on how these charities, IRS, fake family or friends are asking you to send money. This includes wiring money, putting money on a gift card or cash reload card.

Phishing Emails

A lot of times, scams will come as an e-mail with an attachment, or from a company asking for information.
A lot of times, scams will come as an e-mail with an attachment, or from a company asking for information.

This is the most common internet scam. It usually includes an attachment that once it is clicked on, gives access of your computer and finances to scammers. Sometimes these emails will look like it has come from an official source like a bank or company trying to trick you into giving them valuable information.

These emails will tell you there is an urgent matter like your bank account is threatened and you need to access the link and fill out your information. These scammers will then use the information to access your real account and take out money.

Lottery Scam

A lot of times some of us have experienced a pop up stating “Congrats you’ve been chosen to win a prize,” followed by a spin of a wheel of prizes.  Other time it will be a message or email stating you’ve won a lot of money. However, in order to retrieve it, you must enter your information, or you must pay a “processing fee” to get your winnings.

Fake IRS Call

Lately, especially around the time to file your taxes, there will be fake phone calls from the “IRS” trying to scare you to paying money due to tax fraud. These scammers impersonating IRS officials have targeted more than 2 million taxpayers, many of them losing up to $2,000. Hang up as soon as you get these calls, and if you have concerns regarding your taxes, call the IRS.

Scammers will call you claiming to be an IRS agent demanding payment.
Scammers will call you claiming to be an IRS agent demanding payment, or a distressed call that a relative needs your help.

Romance/Distressed Family Member Scam

A lot of people find dates on the apps or through online dating websites. Some of the time, after building a “relationship” with you, they will begin to state they are going through some issues and need money. Other times, you will get a fake phone call that your grandson is in jail. Or they will say your family member was kidnapped and in order to help them you must send money. Be wary of these scams and call your family member to make sure they are okay, and if you cannot reach them, then call the police.

419 Scam

A popular internet scam is the email from a wealthy Nigerian family. The email says that the family has a lot of money to offer if you help them get it out of the bank. These are also known as the 419 scam because it refers to the section of Nigerian Criminal Code that deals with fraud.  Delete the email if you see it to avoid losing money. Once you send some, they will keep asking for more with promises of a lot of money in return.

Make Money Fast Scam

Scammers will try to lure you in by making you believe you can make money fast. These scammer will ask for your information so that they can start you on their “payroll” and you can start making money. Do not fall for these get rich quick schemes or pyramid schemes that promise you a lot of money in a short amount of time.

Familiarize yourself with popular scams to protect yourself and your hard earned money. Scammers will try everything to try and get money from people unaware of everyday scams. If it seems like it is too good to be true, that’s because it is.

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