Giving back: Partnering With a Nonprofit

Many businesses choose to use their brand and reach to positively impact their community. One way they do this is by forming partnerships with local nonprofits. Partnering with organizations that have a cause in alignment with your values or brand can benefit both the organization AND your business. A 2018 study found that over 50% of Americans report that they would switch to a company that supports a cause they believe in. The adage “vote with your dollar” rings true: consumers want to know that their money and support are going to businesses with whom their values are aligned. 

When you’re a new business, it might seem counterintuitive to partner with a charity or non-profit. You’re probably focused on growing your margins and building your brand. Despite these concerns, there are some clear benefits to partnering with a charitable organization, beyond supporting a good cause.

two hands shaking
By partnering with a nonprofit or charity, you can promote both your business and the partner organization.

Why partner with a nonprofit?

By partnering with a nonprofit or charity, you can promote both your business and the partner organization. You can make the most of this link by publicizing on social media and your websites, putting up flyers, and asking the partner to publicize your charitable giving. Your name will become more recognizable, and will be associated with doing good.

With brand recognition and partnerships come greater opportunities for networking. By expanding your bandwidth to include a nonprofit’s pre-existing community of supporters, you open the door for new clients. This provides an easy and cost effective way for small businesses to get their name out there. 

Picking a partner

Picking the right charity or non-profit to partner with is important. While most people have heard of the Red Cross or Salvation Army, they might not be the best choices. Partnering with a charity whose supporters include your customers is better than simply choosing the largest charity in town. Think of your target audience, and what issues matter to them. If your brand focuses on environmentally friendly products, you might consider hosting a local park clean up, or partnering with an organization that plants trees. Beware of trying to be too many things at once, as appealing to every passing trend can result in a brand with unclear values. If your partnerships don’t make sense, you can become a poorly defined brand who’s partnership confuses the consumer.

How to partner

caucasian woman's hands with bracelets on wrists and a ball of cash in the middle of her open palms.
You can donate a percentage of profits, offer customers the option to donate with each sale.

There are some simple ways to partner with a nonprofit organization. You can donate a percentage of profits, offer customers the option to donate with each sale, sell products in your storefront, or sponsor the organization in an event. Brainstorm ways you can benefit your community and the organization and what services you have to offer, and then reach out to the organization to collaborate. 

There are some things to pay attention to when considering partnerships and charitable giving. It pays to be honest about your business and its limitations. Don’t pledge to give 5% of net sales if you’re struggling to pay your bills. However, if you are aware of your limits, you can use that knowledge to your advantage. For example, if you are struggling to generate engagement on social media, partnering with an organization that has a social media marketing presence might boost your exposure.

Transparency is key

Finally, transparency is critical when it comes to charitable partnerships. Be as clear as possible with customers about  how their purchases will benefit a charity. Always do your best not to make commitments you cannot keep. If you make smart, conscientious choices about partnering with community organizations and charities, the benefits will deliver for both you and your nonprofit partner.

Save A Life, Become a Donor

Over 120,000 people. That’s the number of people in the U.S. that are currently waiting for an organ. This number increases by one more about every 12 minutes. For those who are not able to receive the needed organ, approximately a little over 7,000 people every year, die. Organ donors are something that we are in constant need of. You might be considering becoming an organ donor, if not one already. We will discuss some of the facts and how it all works.

How It Works

When any patient dies, the hospital must contact Gift of Life. The family is notified, and counseled on the process of organ recovery. Once the organs and tissues have been retrieved, they will be evaluated to determine which are

When a patient dies, if they are a donor, Gift of Life and the family will be notified of organ removal.
When a patient dies, if they are a donor, Gift of Life and the family will be notified of organ removal.

suitable for a transplant. The hospital maintains the health of the organs until they are sent to a matching recipient. After the organ is successfully transplanted, Gift of Life offers post donation services to the families of the organ donor. They can provide letters with information on who received their loved one’s donated organs and tissues.


It is also possible to donate an organ while living. It does not have to necessarily only happen when you die. A person can donate a kidney, part of the pancreas, intestine, lung, or liver while living. Doctors will run a series of tests to make sure the organ or tissue is healthy enough for transplant. They will also determine if donating the organ will put your health at a risk, whether short or long-term. If it does, then you will not be able to donate the organ.

How To Become A Donor

  • When you renew your license, you can choose to be a donor.
  • Tell your loved ones your wishes to be an organ donor, whether a designated health care proxy, or in your will.
  • Register with the National Donate Life Registry at


  • Almost anyone can become an organ donor, including anyone younger than the age of 18 as long as they have the consent of a parent or guardian.
  • If you have cancer, HIV, diabetes, kidney disease, or heart disease, you might not be considered healthy enough to be a living donor. This does not mean that once you die, your healthy organs cannot be used.
  • You can still have an open-casket funeral if you donate your organs. The incisions will all be closed.
  • Your family will not incur any costs for anything related to organ donations, including tests and the surgery. The recipients insurance usually covers the costs.
  • Old age does not disqualify you from becoming an organ donor. There may be come organs and tissues that can be used.

    Anyone can become an organ donor and help save at least one life.
    Anyone can become an organ donor and help save at least one life.
  • If you are a living donor, there are risks that may follow surgery such as bleeding, clots, infection, and damage to other organs and tissues. It will take a while for your body to recover.

The decision to become an organ donor is an important one to research, and talk to your doctor and family about. In the end, the decision is yours to make. Becoming an organ donor will help not just cave one life, but as many as 50 lives. At times, it will help a family cope with the loss of their loved one knowing they were able to save other lives. Instead of letting your organs go to waste getting buried with you or burned, you can help save someone’s life who needs it. Every day almost 20 people a day die waiting for an organ that can save their life. Be the person to save a life, or multiple lives- become a donor.

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