Whole Life Vs Term Life Insurance

whole life vs term life insurance text overlaying image of two different colored doors There are many aspects of life that are beyond our control, most of all being when it will end. Even though you have no control over that. You can take steps to ensure that your family is not put in a financially precarious situation when the time comes. It’s time to look into purchasing life insurance. And once you start searching, you will notice that there are many different kinds of policies available. The first thing you have to decide between is if you want temporary (term) or permanent life insurance (whole life). Most people have trouble deciding which one is a better fit for them. Some even end up switching from one to another. To start you need to understand the fundamentals of each, including the pros and cons. Below we’ll look at each policy and then compare them for you.

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Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is the more affordable of the two, because unlike whole life insurance, it does not last forever. You have the ability to choose how long you want to be insured when you purchase this kind of policy. The length of time (known as the term) can typically range anywhere from 10 to 30 years. But there are companies who offer shorter or longer terms as well.


Your beneficiary will only receive the face value of the policy from your estate. And there is no cash value that can be withdrawn from the policy before you’ve passed away. This is one of the primary differences between your two options. People who want to be covered for a set amount of time, such as while they are still making payments on their mortgage or other loans, are the best candidates for this kind of insurance policy. Additionally, if needed, you can convert your term policy to a whole life policy.

Types Of Term Life Insurance

There are several types of these policies. Below we’ve highlighted a little bit of each of them to give you an idea of how term life insurance works.

Level term

This type of term life insurance policy is the most common type and is often the type people choose. The reason for its popularity is simple. Both the death benefit and the premium are set when you purchase your policy. Meaning they don’t change during the entire term. You’ll never suddenly have to pay more a month or suddenly have a smaller death benefit. Making this type straightforward and easy to manage and afford.

Annual renewable

Coverage under an annual renewable life insurance will last for 1 year. You are able to renew your policy every year however, the premium will rise each year due to your age. This type of policy is best for meeting short-term needs for life insurance coverage. This is because the policy will eventually become expensive the longer you have it. If you want a longer coverage it’s more beneficial to choose a different option.

Increasing term

With these policies your death benefit will increase at a steady predetermined rate over the length of your term. For example, your health benefit could increase by 5% every year. Meaning over the course of your term your coverage becomes more valuable. However, increasing benefits typically means increasing premiums. 

Decreasing term

This policy is the exact opposite of an increasing term policy. With these your death benefit will decrease over your term but your premiums will remain the same. But why would anyone want a smaller death benefit? Great question, this type of policy is typically meant for someone who wants to make sure a specific loan or debt is covered once they pass. For example say you have a large mortgage and you want to make sure it’s paid off for your family if you pass away. As you pay off your mortgage while you’re alive the death benefits decrease, matching the loan amount. That way when you pass the amount your family would need to finish off the loan will be available to them. This ensures they can remain in their home and not have extra stress of worrying on top of their grief. 


Return-of-premium life insurance, also referred to as ROP insurance, is a type of term life insurance that will return your payments in the event that you outlive your coverage. The premiums for ROP policies are significantly higher compared to those of other term life insurance types. On the other hand, you may find that the possibility of having your premiums returned to you is a valuable feature of this kind of insurance policy.


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Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is a life insurance that will remain in effect for your whole life. Because of this, the cost of this policy is significantly higher than the cost of term life insurance. These policies come with a cash value that makes these policies an investment as well as provide protection. You can borrow money or take money out of the cash value of your policy whenever you need and a portion of your premium payment is always added to the cash value of your policy. If you pay your premiums in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the government, you will be able to withdraw tax-free the majority or all of what has accumulated in your account.

Types Of Whole Life Insurance

Just like with term life insurance, there is an array of options available to policyholders when it comes to whole life insurance. This gives you the ability to select the precise coverage you require along with the benefits you desire:


A type of permanent life insurance that includes a cash value, which earns interest based on an investment index chosen by your insurer. For the vast majority of individuals, purchasing indexed whole life insurance is not the most prudent financial decision. It is possible that your cash value will grow faster than it would under a traditional whole life policy. However, this rate will be lower than what you would receive from a savings or checking account. The minimum rate of return on your cash value is determined by your provider and the majority will also determine your earnings’ maximum rate of return. In addition, these policies may not be the best option because cash value accounts incur fees, whereas traditional savings accounts do not.


The initial payments for a modified whole life policy, also known as a modified premium whole life policy, are affordable. After the initial payment period (2 to 5 years) finishes, the premium will increase once and then remain constant for the remainder of the policy’s term. Rather than waiting until you’re older to purchase coverage, you can obtain a higher death benefit sooner by purchasing a modified premium policy. Even if you cannot currently afford the higher premiums but are confident that you will be able to in a few years. During your initial payment period, it may not be possible to add to the cash value.

Simplified issue

Simplified issue whole life insurance is a permanent form of life insurance. Therefore, you are covered for the duration of your life. However, its coverage is less extensive and it is restricted to those aged 45 and older. If you apply for this type of policy, you will not need to undergo a medical exam. Instead, you will be asked a few health-related questions. Insurers will charge you a higher premium for a lesser coverage amount with this policy because the health evaluation is not as thorough. The expedited application process will result in almost immediate coverage. However, you should be aware that even with simplified issue policies, there are still conditions that can prevent you from acquiring coverage.

Guaranteed issue

Guaranteed issue life insurance does not require any type of medical underwriting. In other words, neither a medical exam nor questions about your medical history will be required. There is a catch -this type of life insurance requires you to pay a higher premium in exchange for a smaller death benefit. In addition, after purchasing this type of policy, you will be subject to a waiting period. During which death benefits will not be paid out.


In addition, you will not be covered if you die from certain causes (such as suicide) in the first few years after purchasing the policy. This doesn’t mean that guaranteed issue policies have no value. Due to the guaranteed issue nature of these policies, they can be a lifeline if you are over a certain age or have health issues that make traditional insurance policies unaffordable. In most cases, however, the maximum coverage amount for these policies is $25,000.

The Differences

Both term and permanent life insurance require a monthly premium payment. In exchange, your beneficiaries will receive a predetermined amount of money (your death benefit) upon your passing. The length of the policy is the primary distinction between these types of insurance. 


When purchasing term life insurance, you will be required to choose the duration of your coverage, typically between ten and thirty years. Your policy will terminate at the end of that period. If you outlive your policy, your beneficiaries will not receive any death benefits. You will then be required to decide whether to purchase a new policy or extend your current one. In both scenarios, your premiums will likely increase because you will be older and may have developed health problems. 


A major disadvantage of term life insurance is the possibility that your policy will expire and you will have to extend or repurchase it. However, with whole life insurance, you may pay higher premiums, but the policy covers you for the remainder of your life. In addition, many whole life policies have a cash value – similar to a savings account – that accumulates money over time.

Which Is Best For You?

When selecting the life insurance policy that best meets your requirements, you must consider your assets, loans, budget, and desired duration of coverage. Do you want to ensure that expenses such as mortgage payments and college tuition for your children are covered? Then a term plan is an excellent and inexpensive option. Do you want to accumulate a cash value that you can borrow against and that your family can use when you die? Then your whole life will function better for you.


The premiums for both whole life insurance and term life insurance are fixed for the duration of the policy. But whole life insurance is more expensive because it remains in effect until death. Whereas term life insurance expires after a set period of time. If you are on a tight budget, you should purchase term life insurance, but if you want to build cash value or have long-term dependents, you should purchase whole life insurance. 


We recommend consulting with a licensed agent before selecting a life insurance policy. They will be able to discuss your options and determine the best plan for your requirements. Don’t wait until you need life insurance to compare rates from the listed, highly-regarded insurance providers. Always check multiple sites to ensure that you have negotiating power and that you are aware of the unique benefits of each company. Ensure that a difficult time for your loved ones will not be exacerbated by a financial burden by comparing life insurance rates today. Start comparing today by entering your zip code in the box below or giving us a call at 877-670-3560.

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Choosing Life Insurance Beneficiaries

When you make the wise choice to purchase a life insurance policy, you have a lot of decisions to make. First, you have to decide if you want term life, whole life, final expense life, or another type of life insurance policy. Then, you need to decide how much coverage is needed to provide full financial protection for your family. After you have researched companies, found quotes and picked a policy, your next important step is to pick a life insurance beneficiary. This is the person who will receive the money in the event of your death. It sounds simple enough, but there are some details to be aware of before making the choice. 

Know Your Options

a caucasian woman and afircan american man holding a baby
You have different options when choosing a beneficiary; you can choose your spouse, or children, or a business.

A beneficiary can be one person, multiple people, your estate, a charity, a business, or a trust. If the beneficiary is an individual, you can choose a relative, child, spouse, friend or anyone else. However, if you live in a common property state, also called community property states, life insurance beneficiary rules will require your spouse to waive their rights if you want to designate someone else as beneficiary. There are 9 common property states: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.

If you choose to make your beneficiary a trust, that trust will manage the dispersal of the money; for example, you could arrange it so a trust manager would be in charge of paying for your children’s needs as instructed by you. 

Legally making your estate your beneficiary is generally not recommended because, in this case, creditors would be able to go after your life insurance money. Once the creditors, court fees and lawyer are paid from the estate (however much that dips into your loved ones’ life insurance money), whatever is left will be divided among your beneficiaries. 

Choosing A Beneficiary

When choosing who to name as your beneficiary, you should ask yourself who relies on you financially and will need help paying ongoing bills when you are gone. Would you like to leave some of the insurance money to charity? Do you want your business to continue? If so, you can make your business partner a beneficiary. 

When you do choose who you want the money to go to, you will need to be as specific as you can and put everything in writing, including their Social Security numbers if possible, relationship to you, dates of birth and addresses. You can change, add or remove beneficiaries at any time.

Multiple Beneficiaries

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If you choose to have multiple beneficiaries, the amount divided will have to equal 100%.

If you want to give a payout to multiple beneficiaries, check your life insurance policy first. Some will have a limit on how many you can have. If you do decide to have multiple beneficiaries, you can also choose how much each beneficiary will receive. For example, your spouse can get 50% of the benefits, and the remaining 50% can go to your child. If you don’t specify how much you want each person to get, they will all receive an equal amount. 

Primary vs. Contingent

You also have the option of naming both a primary and contingent beneficiary. Your primary beneficiary will be first on the list to receive the benefits after your passing. If your primary beneficiary dies before you, refuses the proceeds, or can’t be located, the contingent life insurance beneficiary will receive the benefits. 

Naming Children As Your Beneficiaries

If you have minor children, they will not receive any of the money until they are 18. To make sure they can have access to it, you can:young girl with a baby in bed next to her.

  • Name their legal guardian as beneficiary. 
  • Designate a custodian for the proceeds through the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act. This person is then named as the beneficiary.
  • Create a trust for the child and make the trust your beneficiary. The trustee will oversee the money and distribute it as per your wishes. 

What Happens If You Don’t Designate A Beneficiary?

If you do not name a beneficiary for your life insurance policy, the insurance company will issue the death benefit to your estate. The probate court will then decide how to distribute the funds, which will include settling your debts, which will mean less money for your loved ones. 

Taking the time to make sure loved ones are protected with a life insurance policy is admirable. But in order to make sure that the proceeds go where you want them to, you have to choose the right beneficiary or beneficiaries. When choosing a life insurance company, ask about their beneficiary rules to make sure that the plan will meet your needs. To get more helpful information about different types of life insurance policies, and how you can get coverage that fits your budget, take a look below. We have provided information for top-rated insurance companies that specialize in life insurance, so check their rates today and see just how simple and affordable it is to protect your family. Always check multiple sites to make sure you have bargaining power and to know the advantages of each company. Make sure a hard time for your loved ones isn’t made harder by a financial burden, check life insurance rates today.

Getting Life Insurance & Preparing For A Medical Exam

If you’re shopping for a life insurance policy, you are most likely searching for a great rate. But in order to determine your premium price, some insurance companies will require you to undergo a medical exam before you buy. They do this in order to figure out how much of a risk it is to insure you; the healthier you are, the cheaper your insurance premiums will be. There is no need to be nervous about this medical exam, even if you have pre-existing conditions. Before undergoing your medical exam, there are ways that you can prepare, so you can get the best possible rate.

What To Expect

a man sitting down getting his blood pressure checked by a doctor
During a life insurance medical exam, a medical professional will go over your health history and check your blood pressure.

Life insurance companies usually require a physical in order to get a full view of your health history, family history and lifestyle habits. In most cases, a medical professional will come to your home and ask questions and collect samples. First, you will be given a verbal questionnaire which will include questions like: Are you a smoker? Do you have any chronic conditions? How often do you exercise? Then they will measure and weigh you and take blood and urine samples. After they collect this information, they will use it to help them determine your rates for coverage.

The whole process takes about 20 minutes. It is important to be as truthful as possible when answering any questions the medical professional asks you. For example, if you omit the fact that you are a smoker, and the insurance company later finds out that you smoke, they will cancel your policy. 

How To Prepare

One Week Before The Exam:

  • Eat as healthy as possible and avoid processed foods that are high in sugar, fat, and sodium. Instead, eat vegetables, leafy greens, and whole grains. This will help lower your cholesterol.
  • Increase your water intake and avoid alcohol. Alcohol is dehydrating and will affect your liver enzymes in blood tests, which can be a red flag for insurance companies. Instead, drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.

One Day Before The Exam:

caucasian woman sleeping in a bed
Be sure to get a good night’s rest before your medical exam.
  • Consider fasting for at least 8 hours before your exam. Eating before your blood work will increase your cholesterol and glucose levels
  • Do not stress out or exercise too much the day before your exam. This will only increase your pulse and blood pressure. 
  • Get a good night’s rest so your vital signs are at their best the next day. 

The Morning Of The Exam:

  • Avoid coffee because it will affect your blood pressure.
  • Drink water.
  • Do not wear heavy clothing so the medical professional gets the right reading on your weight. 
  • Have your primary care physician’s info ready, as well as a list of any medications you take regularly. 

Getting The Best Ratesmoney falling from the sky

Life insurance physical exams will determine how much you will end up paying for your policy. You can get the best possible rates by making some changes to your lifestyle and using the tips above. But you can also find great rates by comparing multiple insurance companies and the policies they offer. To get more helpful information about different types of life insurance policies, and how you can get coverage that fits your budget, take a look below. We have provided information for top-rated insurance companies that specialize in life insurance, so check their rates today and see just how simple and affordable it is to protect your family. Always check multiple sites to make sure you have bargaining power and to know the advantages of each company. Make sure a hard time for your loved ones isn’t made harder by a financial burden, check life insurance rates today.

8 Life Insurance Myths Debunked!

Life insurance is necessary: it will keep your family protected, and give you peace of mind knowing that you can keep on providing for your family even after you’re gone. But many people choose not to purchase a life insurance policy because they think they do not need it or that it will be too expensive. In fact, there are many common life insurance myths that are simply not true and cause unnecessary confusion and hesitation. You can find an affordable insurance plan even if you’re on a tight budget! 

Common Life Insurance Myths

Myth 1: Life insurance is expensive

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A common myth is that life insurance is expensive, but for less than $30 a month, you can get affordable life insurance.

Truth: Cost plays a big role in why people choose not to buy life insurance. People often overestimate how much it will cost them, but the truth is, the average cost of a life insurance policy is only about $26 a month. Your life insurance rates depend on various factors such as your age and health, but more often than not, you will find that it is more affordable than you thought it would be.

Myth 2: Only the breadwinner of the family needs life insurance.

Truth: This is one of the biggest misconceptions about life insurance. Just because you are a stay-at-home parent does not mean that you don’t need a life insurance policy. Your partner would have to find a way to take care of your children and keep the household running without you in the event of your death, and that would be challenging and expensive. They would have to pay for childcare, keep up with the household chores, and deal with meal preparation and more, all while continuing to work. Life insurance can help provide benefits to cover some of these expenses. 

Myth 3: You have health issues so you won’t qualify.

Truth: It is true that the healthier you are, the less you will pay for life insurance. But this does not mean that you won’t qualify at all for life insurance if you have health conditions. Different insurance companies will rate conditions differently than others will, which is why it is important to compare multiple companies’ policies and rates. 

Myth 4: You’re single with no children, so you don’t need it.caucasian woman with red hair smilingwith an orange scarf on her head.

Truth: Single people need just as much life insurance as people who are married or have children. Do you have a private student loan? A mortgage? Car loan? Any of these loans, especially if you have a cosigner, will get passed on to your cosigners. They do not just go away when you pass. In addition, you should have life insurance to cover the $10,000-$20,000 needed to cover your funeral expenses, so that your family will not have to struggle to come up with that amount. Consider a final life expense life insurance policy for your future, and the future of your family.

Myth 5: Life insurance through your employer is good enough.

Truth: Did you know that you should have life insurance coverage that is worth 10-12 times your annual salary? Your employer’s life insurance policy is helpful, because it is probably free or very low-cost, but it will not provide this amount. In addition, the moment you are let go or leave your job, you will lose your employer-based life insurance policy. It is more cost effective to buy your own individual plan. 

Myth 6: You’re better off investing your money instead of buying life insurance.

Truth: Sure, it would be nice to be able to consistently invest money over your lifetime in case of  the unexpected, but oftentimes it just doesn’t work out how you planned. Things come up and you will often need to use the money that you have saved up. Having a life insurance policy will mean that, even if your savings and assets are depleted when you pass, your family will still be financially secure.

Myth 7: You’re young and don’t need life insurance.

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The younger you are, the more you will save on life insurance.

Truth: When you are young, the annual premiums for a life insurance policy are less expensive than they are when you are older. Insurance companies base their rate partially on age, because generally the younger you are, the healthier you are. The longer you wait, the greater your chances of developing a health condition – which would make it more expensive and challenging to get coverage. 

Myth 8: If you get term life insurance, you can’t convert it to become a permanent policy.

Truth: Term life insurance is great because you get to choose how long you will need coverage for depending on your financial situation. But let’s say you choose a 20-year term life plan because you have a 20-year mortgage. Once the 20 years is up, you will forfeit all of that money, unless you convert your policy. It is a popular misconception that you cannot convert your term life plan, but you can easily choose to convert it into a permanent or whole life insurance policy.

These are just a few of the myths about life insurance that prevent people from looking into a policy. Don’t let these misconceptions stop you from comparing plans and finding out what your options are. To get more helpful information about different types of life insurance policies, and how you can get covered within your budget, take a look below. We have provided information for top-rated insurance companies that specialize in life insurance, so check out rates today and see just how simple and affordable it is to protect your family. Always check multiple sites to make sure you have bargaining power and to know the different advantages of each company. Make sure a hard time for your loved ones isn’t made harder by a financial burden, check life insurance rates today.

Is Employer-Provided Life Insurance Enough? Most Likely Not

Life insurance is something everyone should have. Fortunately, most employers offer life insurance as part of their employee benefits package. It is a valuable benefit because it is convenient, and costs little to nothing to have. But while employer-provided life insurance is a nice perk, does it provide enough coverage for you and your family? The answer to this question may vary depending on your situation, but most of the time the life insurance your employer offers is simply not enough.

Benefits Of Employer-Provided Life Insurance

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One of the major benefits of employer life insurance is not needing to undergo a medical exam.

There are some benefits to having employer-provided life insurance. For one thing, it’s usually free, or only a few dollars a month at most. Another major benefit is that you do not have to undergo a medical exam in order to get coverage. If you are looking to get private life insurance, many companies will require a medical exam, and if you have any health conditions, your policy might be expensive, or you could be denied coverage.

Disadvantages Of Employer-Provided Life Insurance

Although employer-provided life insurance is convenient and costs little to nothing, there are major downsides:

  • Limited Options-The life insurance plan offered by your employer is not tailored to your specific financial needs. You will not have the ability to choose the best policy for you, as you would if you worked with an agent and purchased private life insurance. 
  • Not Enough Coverage– If you have dependents who rely on your income, then you need coverage that is at least 6 times your annual salary. Some experts even recommend getting coverage worth 10 to 15 times your salary. Employer-provided life insurance generally does not offer this much coverage.

    contract agreement being ripped in half
    When you leave your job, you will lose your life insurance policy.
  • You Can Get Dropped–  Unfortunately, if your employer decides to drop this benefit (which they can do because the contract is between the employer and the insurance company),  you will lose your policy. You can also lose your insurance coverage if you work past a specified age or when you retire
  • You Lose It When You Leave– You cannot take your life insurance policy with you when you leave your job or if you lose your job. The moment you are no longer employed, you will have to buy your own coverage, which can be difficult as you age or if you develop a health condition. 
  • Supplemental Coverage Can Be Expensive- You have the option to buy additional coverage through your employer-based policy; however, supplemental policies can cost more than buying your own individual life insurance policy. Not to mention, you cannot convert your supplemental policy when you leave the company; even if you can, expect to pay even more.

Finding An Affordable Individual Life Insurance Plan

The disadvantages of employer-provided life insurance outweigh the benefits, especially if you have a family who depends on you. An employer-provided plan might not offer enough coverage, but you can tailor an individual life insurance plan to meet your specific needs and finances. You can do all of this at a reasonable price, you simply need to speak to an experienced agent who can compare different plans available in your area. We have provided the top life insurance companies in the nation – all of which offer hassle-free assistance and the most competitive rates – below. Make sure your family is properly prepared for the unexpected by checking rates today!

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