Open Enrollment for 2025 displayed by, with a background of tall office buildings

When Is Open Enrollment for 2025?

When it comes to your health insurance, Open Enrollment is the most important time of the year. This is the time that you’ll be able to change your plan, or enroll in a new one that better suits your needs and saves you money. It's imperative that you know when the Open Enrollment Period (OEP)…

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Smiling family outdoors. Below them is the text "4 Things You Should Be Doing to Plan for the Open Enrollment Period."

4 Things You Should Do to Plan for the Open Enrollment Period

The Health Insurance Open Enrollment Period is coming up: starting November 1st, you’ll have around 6 weeks to find a plan that meets your needs. That means a lot of information about all the different health insurance plans available, and information about any changes to your current plan will soon be coming your way. You’ll…

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Questions To Ask When Requesting Health Insurance Quotes

The Open Enrollment Period is coming to an end soon, and if you still haven’t looked into your health insurance options for the new year, now is the time to do so. But we get that picking a plan can be overwhelming because of all the options out there, so we want to give you…

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Which States Run Their Own Health Insurance Exchanges?

The Open Enrollment Period is almost over: you only have until January 15 to purchase or change your plan! With that being said, though, some states have chosen to extend their deadline; they can do this because, under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), each state can run its own health insurance exchange, or Marketplace, in…

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Can You Be Denied Coverage During the Open Enrollment Period?

The ACA Open Enrollment Period is the only time of the year when everyone can enroll in a health insurance plan. But can literally anyone enroll, or is there any reason you can be denied coverage during this time? The short answer to this question is no: the whole idea behind the creation of the…

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What Happens If I Don’t Do Anything During The Open Enrollment Period?

The ACA Open Enrollment Period only comes around once a year, usually lasting from November 1- December 15, although this year the deadline has been extended to January 15. During this period, you can enroll in a new health insurance plan, or make changes to your current  plan. If you’re happy with your current plan,…

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Health Insurance Open Enrollment FAQ

The Open Enrollment Period for health insurance is a very important time, when you can change or enroll in a health insurance plan for coverage beginning the following year. It runs from November 1 to December 15, and is the only time during the year when you can purchase a plan, unless you qualify for…

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How To Switch Plans During The Open Enrollment Period

Not happy with your health insurance plan? Looking to make a change during this year’s Open Enrollment Period? Well, now is the time to make the switch to a plan that better suits your needs - you only have from November 1st to December 15th to do so! But we get it, health insurance can…

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The Complete Guide to Open Enrollment for Employers

It’s here! Open Enrollment for your group health insurance plan has come around again, running from November 1 - December 15. Now is the time when you can choose new benefits, or review and change existing health insurance benefits for your employees, and we get it: this time of year can be hectic and stressful,…

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Preparing For Health Insurance Open Enrollment: Employer Checklist for Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment for health insurance has begun. This period gives employers and employees the opportunity to change their benefit options, and many companies use this time to review their employees’ health insurance plans to see if they can find ways to save money or improve coverage. The opportunity for business owners to save money during…

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