Businesses grow and change all the time, which means that, at some point, you might need to modify your commercial insurance policies. While your policies are contracts, they are not completely set in stone. An insurance endorsement can add, take away, or exclude certain types of coverage. While some endorsements are added by your insurance company to minimize their risk, others can be beneficial because they allow you, the business owner, to customize your policies, which could save you money. For example, if you find that your policy has something that you do not need, you can request an endorsement to remove it. On the other hand, there might come a time when you need to extend your policy so that your business is fully covered. In this case, you can request an endorsement to add certain types of coverage.
Endorsements Explained
Endorsements are documents that are attached to your original insurance policy and are only good for that particular policy’s period. Some endorsements are added by your insurance company and can either exclude certain things from being covered or clarify what is covered by a policy. For example, some commercial property insurance policies have a wind and hail deductible endorsement, which requires you to pay a separate deductible in the case of wind or hail damage, while some general liability policies have exclusions for damages resulting from exposure to asbestos. Some endorsements clarify what is covered, such as a professional service exclusion, which makes clear that your general liability policy only covers bodily and property damage, not damage caused by professional advice.
As previously mentioned, other endorsements are additions that you can request for your policy. These changes can allow your business to grow and change while still remaining fully covered by your insurance policy. For example, if you change your business’s address, add another location, or add a new product, then you can make changes to your policy without the risk of losing insurance coverage.
Common Endorsements
There are some common endorsements that you might want to consider for your business:

- Additional Insured– This is most often paired with a general liability insurance policy and allows you to add a third party to your policy, such as a subcontractor who is doing work for you.
- Adding/Changing Location– You can request endorsements to make administrative changes to your policy, such as a change of address or a change in the policyholder’s name. You can also add locations to your policy coverage; this will protect your new location and your current location.
- Extended Reporting Period– This will give you the ability to report claims after the expiration date of your insurance policy on a claims-made professional liability policy, or on an error and omissions insurance policy.
- Increased Limits– This endorsement allows you to increase your limit of liability for your business property, as well as to extend workers’ compensation benefits not covered by state law.
- Industry-Specific Endorsements- You can also add coverage that is specific to your industry with certain endorsements, such as a contractor’s enhancement endorsement. These endorsements will cover equipment, property, and other tools specific to your industry, and at a cheaper rate than if purchased individually.
Adding An Endorsement
Adding endorsements to existing policies is a great way to continue your coverage as your business continues to grow. You can personalize your policies to add endorsements that fit your business’ needs. Adding them is easy: simply speak to your current agent, and ask that they be added when your policy renews, or when you are shopping for a new policy.
It can be confusing to know just how much coverage you need for your growing business. EZ.Insure specializes in breaking down your needs and your risks. We will provide you with a trained, licensed agent who will compare business insurance quotes in minutes. We aim to find you the most coverage with the most savings, all at no cost to you. To get free quotes, simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or to speak directly with an agent, call 888-615-4893.