New Hampshire Medicare Supplement Plans

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Original Medicare offers excellent healthcare coverage and has been shown to be very effective when it comes to keeping older adults healthy and financially stable. However, it does not cover everything. Some beneficiaries struggle to afford certain parts of the Original Medicare Plan. Such as the 20% Medicare Part B coinsurance and other out-of-pocket costs. Or they want to increase their coverage, so they turn to New Hampshire Medicare Supplement Plans for additional benefits. If you find this is the case for you, or if you simply want to save some money on your medical expenses, you, too, should look into one of these plans.

Private insurance companies sell New Hampshire Medicare Supplement Plans to help fill the gaps in Medicare Parts A and B. These plans frequently cover your Part A deductible as well as your 20% coinsurance for Part B, but not all plans cover all out-of-pocket expenses.

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The good news is that there is no guesswork when it comes to these plans. They are sold by private insurance companies, but they are standardized by the government. In fact, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulates Medicare Supplement Plans. The CMS mandates that all plans with the same letter name provide the same benefits regardless of where or from whom they are purchased.

But, since they are sold by private companies, premiums vary depending on the insurance company you select. So, it’s critical to compare different New Hampshire Medicare Supplement Plans, as well as different insurers to find the best plan for you. EZ can help you compare both. But first, read our guide to how Medicare Supplement Plans work in New Hampshire.

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New Hampshire Medicare Supplement Plans 

A Medicare Supplement Plan is your best option if you need additional coverage to fill any gaps in Original Medicare.

There are ten standardized Medicare Supplement Plans in New Hampshire. Each labeled with a different letter of the alphabet: A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. While not every insurance company in New Hampshire will offer every plan, all insurers must offer Plan A. You should also be aware that Plans C and F are only available to people who became Medicare-eligible before January 1, 2020.

To get you started, we’ve broken down all ten plans below, along with what they cover and the average price range for premiums in New Hampshire.

Plan A 

Plan A, the only plan offered by all insurers, is also the most basic plan on the market. It’s simple, but it covers one of the most important things. Which is the 20% of outpatient services you’ll be required to pay by Medicare Part B. Plan A is available to all Medicare beneficiaries over 65. However, some states do not require insurers to offer this plan to Medicare disability beneficiaries under the age of 65. 

In New Hampshire, premiums for Plan A range from $100 to $305 per month.

Plan B 

Medicare Supplement Plan B covers all the basics that Plan A does, including:

  • Medicare Part A coinsurance and hospital costs – Medicare Part A only fully covers your first 60 days of inpatient hospital stays in a benefit period; after that, you are required to pay coinsurance for each day after your initial 60 days. Days 61-90 have a coinsurance of $400 a day, days 91-150 (after you use your Lifetime Reserve days) have a coinsurance of $800 a day. Plan B covers 100% of these costs.
  • Medicare Part B coinsurance or copay – You’ll typically have to pay Medicare Part B coinsurance for doctor visits and other outpatient care. That means Medicare Part B pays 80% of the Medicare-approved amount for covered services, leaving you to pay the remaining 20%. Plan B covers 100% of this.
  • First 3 pints of blood – Original Medicare only pays for the fourth and subsequent pints of blood if you need blood during treatment. Plan B will pay for the first three pints.
  • Part A hospice care and coinsurance – Hospice care is for patients who are nearing the end of their lives. These services are covered by Medicare, but copayments are required. These copayments include $5 for each symptom and pain relief medication prescription, as well as 5% of the Medicare-approved amount for inpatient assisted living. Plan B covers all expenses related to hospice care.

Plan B also includes coverage for the Medicare Part A deductible. Plan A does not, making this plan a step up from Plan A. In 2023, the Medicare Part A deductible is $1,600 per benefit period. You may have to pay it more than once in a single year, since it is not a yearly deductible but is calculated on a 60-day basis. As a result, having a plan that includes this coverage could be highly beneficial. Especially if you anticipate needing hospital care. 

In New Hampshire, Plan B premiums will most likely range from $144 to $383 per month.

Plan C 

Part C is one of the most comprehensive Medicare Supplement Plans out there, but it is not available to all beneficiaries. It covers all out-of-pocket expenses except Medicare Part B excess charges. This means that Plan C pays the required 20% coinsurance for all outpatient services, as well as your Parts A and B deductibles.

Coverage includes the following:

  • Part A hospital deductible and coinsurance
  • Hospital costs up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are exhausted
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
  • Blood (the first 3 pints)
  • Other Medicare-approved expenses associated with Part A hospitalization
  • Medicare Part B coinsurance and copayments
  • Part B deductible
  • Other Medicare-approved expenses associated with Part B coverage

Unfortunately, Medicare enrollees who became eligible after January 1, 2020, are no longer eligible for Plan C. If you had Plan C prior to that date, you can keep it. Additionally, if you were eligible for Medicare prior to January 1, 2020 but haven’t yet signed up, you may still be able to buy it. 

In New Hampshire, prices for Plan C premiums range from $181 to $372 per month.

Plan D

Plan D covers the majority of out-of-pocket expenses associated with Original Medicare including:

  • Part A hospital coinsurance and hospital costs up to an extra 365 days after Original Medicare benefits are exhausted
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
  • Part B coinsurance
  • First 3 pints of blood 
  • Skilled nursing facility (SNF) care coinsurance – After the 20th day of your stay as an inpatient in a skilled nursing facility, Medicare Part A requires you to pay coinsurance. Part A coinsurance for skilled nursing facility care is $200 per day in 2023. Plan D covers this coinsurance.
  • Part A deductible
  • 80% of foreign travel emergency costs (up to plan limits)

Medicare Part B deductibles and excess charges are not covered by Plan D. You are responsible for Part B excess charges if your doctor refuses to accept Medicare assignment and chooses to bill you for more than what Medicare would cover. Any doctor who refuses to accept Medicare assignment is allowed to charge up to 15% more for a healthcare service than the Medicare-approved rate. The difference between what your doctor bills and the Medicare-approved amount is your excess charge. Which is not covered by Plan D. This means that if your doctor doesn’t accept Medicare assignment, Plan D is not for you.

Premiums for Plan D in New Hampshire can range from $147 to $318 per month.

Plan F 

Because of its comprehensive coverage, Plan F has long been the most popular Medicare Supplement Plan on the market, but it is not available to all beneficiaries. You only have to pay your monthly Plan F premium with this plan; all other out-of-pocket expenses are covered. Plan F includes the following benefits:

  • Part A hospital deductible and coinsurance
  • Hospital costs up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are exhausted
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
  • Blood (the first 3 pints)
  • Other Medicare-approved expenses associated with Part A hospitalization
  • Medicare Part B 20% coinsurance and copayments
  • Medicare-approved doctor’s office fees
  • Part B deductible
  • Medicare Part B excess charges
  • Other Medicare-approved expenses associated with Part B coverage

The only restriction is that anyone who became or becomes eligible for Medicare after 2020 will not be able to purchase Plan F. If you were eligible for Medicare before 2020, you can purchase one of these plans. Or if you already have Plan F and are grandfathered in, you can keep it indefinitely. 

In New Hampshire, Plan F premiums typically range from $182 to $437 per month.

Plan G 

If you like the sound of Plan F, but are not eligible to purchase one of these plans, look into Plan G. This plan covers almost everything that Plan F does, including:

  • Part A coinsurance and hospital costs up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used up
  • Part A deductible
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment
  • Part B coinsurance or copayment
  • Part B excess charges (if a provider is permitted to charge more than Medicare’s approved amount and does so)
  • Blood transfusion (first 3 pints)

The only thing Plan G does not cover is the Medicare Part B deductible, so it is a very comprehensive plan that is also less expensive than some plans. Plan G premiums typically range between $139 and $404 per month, making it more affordable than Plan F.

Plan K

Medicare Supplement Plan K reduces your Original Medicare out-of-pocket expenses, but it does not completely fill the gaps. Plan K only covers 50% of some costs, including:

  • Medicare Part B coinsurance – Plan K covers half of these costs, so you will be responsible for 50% of your 20% Part B coinsurance. For example, if your doctor charges $100 for a service, Medicare Part B will cover $80, Plan K will cover $10, and you will pay the remaining $10.
  • First 3 pints of blood
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment – Plan K will pay for half of these costs.
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance – Plan K pays half of the coinsurance for medical care in skilled nursing care facilities.
  • Medicare Part A deductible – Medicare Supplement Plan K will pay half of these deductibles, or $800. Plan K requires you to pay the Medicare Part B deductible, which is $226 in 2023.

Plan K has higher out-of-pocket costs at the point of service, but it does have one feature that other plans do not have: an out-of-pocket maximum. That means you’ll only ever have to pay a total of $6,620 for Plan K in a single year (as of 2023). Once you’ve paid this much in out-of-pocket medical expenses, Medicare Supplement Plan K will cover the rest of the year’s approved costs. Your maximum will be reset at the start of each calendar year.

Furthermore, while Plan K only covers 50% of many out-of-pocket expenses, it fully covers the Medicare Part A coinsurance.

Plan K premiums are lower than those of most plans because of its higher out-of-pocket costs, ranging from $53 to $178 per month in New Hampshire.

Plan L

Medicare Supplement Plan L, like Plan K, covers the majority, but not all, of Original Medicare’s expenses, but it covers them at a higher rate than does Plan K. It, too, has an out-of-pocket maximum, which is actually lower than Plan K’s ($3,310 in 2023). And as with Plan K, once you reach your maximum, your insurance company will cover all of your expenses for the remainder of the year.

Medicare Supplement Plan L covers the entire cost of Medicare Part A coinsurance and hospitalization. It also includes a portion of:

  • Medicare Part B coinsurance – Plan L covers 75% of your Part B coinsurance.
  • Blood – If you require blood while in the hospital, Plan L will cover 75% of the cost of the first three pints.
  • Part A hospice care copayments – Plan L pays 75% of your Part A copays for hospice care.
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance – Plan L pays 75% of the $200 per day (after the 20th day of your stay) coinsurance for medical care in skilled nursing care facilities.
  • Part A deductible – Medicare Supplement Plan L will cover 75% of your Part A deductibles for each 60-day benefit period . You must still meet your Medicare Part B deductible, which is $226 per year in 2023, if you choose Plan L.

Medicare Supplement Plan L premiums cost between $95 and $269 a month in New Hampshire.

Plan M

Plan M covers more than both Plans K and L do; it covers the majority of your Original Medicare out-of-pocket expenses, but not all. It covers:

  • Medicare Part B coinsurance – Plan M pays your Part B coinsurance and/or copayments in full.
  • Blood – If you require blood while in the hospital, Medicare Supplement Plan M will cover the first three pints of blood in full.
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment – Plan M will cover all of your hospice care coinsurance and copays in full.
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance – Plan M covers the entire cost of Part A skilled nursing facility coinsurance.
  • Part A hospital expenses and coinsurance
  • Part A deductible – While Medicare Supplement Plan M covers most Part A costs, it will only cover half of your Medicare Part A deductible. If you have Plan M, you will have to pay half of the $1,600 (or $800) deductible rather than the full $1,600.

The cost of plan M premiums in New Hampshire ranges from $156 to $348 per month. 

Plan N 

Medicare Supplement Plan N is yet another very comprehensive Medicare Supplement Plan option. Plan N’s coverage excludes only two things: the Medicare Part B deductible ($226 in 2023) and any Medicare Part B excess charges, or any portion of medical bills that exceed the Medicare-approved amount. But Plan N does have copayments for some services, which most other plans do not.

Medicare Supplement Plan N provides nearly complete coverage for the following:

  • Medicare Part B coinsurance – Plan N will cover your Part B coinsurance costs in full, with the exception of a copayment of up to $20 for some office visits. For emergency room visits that do not result in an inpatient admission, a second copayment of up to $50 may be required.
  • Blood – If you require blood while in the hospital, Medicare Supplement Plan N will cover the first three pints.
  • Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayment – Plan N pays your hospice care coinsurance and copayments in full.
  • Skilled nursing facility care coinsurance – Your skilled nursing facility coinsurance will be fully covered by Medicare Supplement Plan N.
  • Part A deductible – Medicare Supplement Plan N pays your $1,600 deductible in full for each 60-day benefit period.
  • Foreign travel emergency care – Original Medicare typically does not cover medical care received outside of the United States. If you need emergency care while traveling outside of the United States, Medicare Supplement Plan N will cover 80% of the costs of qualified emergency medical care.

The price for Plan N can range from $113 to $275 a month in New Hampshire.


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When to Enroll

Federal regulations allow for a six-month window when Medicare Supplement coverage is guaranteed-issue. Meaning that you cannot be denied or charged more for a plan because of your health. This period begins when you turn 65 and enroll in Medicare Part B. After your Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period expires, Medicare Supplement insurers in nearly all states can use medical underwriting to determine your eligibility for coverage, unless one of the few guaranteed-issue rights applies. 

In New Hampshire, insurers can choose whether to base premiums on your age at the time of enrollment (issue-age rating) or to increase premiums as you age (attained-age rating). Insurers can also use community rating, which charges everyone the same rate regardless of age. But this is not a common practice unless the state requires it, which New Hampshire does not. The most common approach for Medicare Supplement insurers across the country is attained-age rating. 

In addition, it’s important to note that all Medicare Supplement Plans are available to disabled enrollees under 65 in New Hampshire. As long as you enroll within the six-month window that begins when you enroll in Medicare Part B. If you are under 65, though, premiums will be significantly higher than the rates for beneficiaries over 65. Significantly higher with some insurers, marginally higher with others. But once you turn 65, you will have another Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment Period. You will then be able to switch to a plan with lower premiums.


How To Choose 

When it comes to Medicare coverage, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Speak to an EZ agent who can explain everything to you and help you to sign up. EZ can assist you in enrolling in Medicare, looking for a New Hampshire Medicare Supplement Plan, or simply weighing your options. Our agents work with the best insurance companies in the country. They can provide you with a free comparison of all available plans in your area. We will go over your medical and financial needs with you and help you find a plan that works for you. To get started, simply enter your zip code in the bar below or give one of our licensed agents a call at 877-670-3602.

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About The Author:
Kyle Mehlman

Kyle Mehlman is a Marketing Coordinator specializing in SEO, copywriting and content creation. In 2021, Kyle graduated from the University of North Carolina, with a degree in Journalism and Media.
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